<p>Error message turns up in the patch</p>
<p>1.7.0 patched</p>
<h3>Steps to reproduce</h3>
<p>Error message: "Begin 0, end 2000, lenght 3"</p>
<h3>Expected behaviour</h3>
<h3>Actual behaviour</h3>
<p>This error message turns up in the patch for <a class="issue-link js-issue-link" data-error-text="Failed to load title" data-id="940841266" data-permission-text="Title is private" data-url="https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/issues/5612" data-hovercard-type="issue" data-hovercard-url="/bisq-network/bisq/issues/5612/hovercard" href="https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/issues/5612">#5612</a><br>
I cant tell if its for one particular trade or a general but as the bug comes up as an error Im reporting it</p>
<p><a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/85696011/125212484-00c48c80-e2ae-11eb-9614-f4d49e0a6979.png"><img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/85696011/125212484-00c48c80-e2ae-11eb-9614-f4d49e0a6979.png" alt="bisq error message" style="max-width:100%;"></a></p>
<h4>Device or machine</h4>
<p>Macbook air mac os high sierra 10.13.1</p>
<h4>Additional info</h4>
<p>Please open a support ticket by selecting the trade in the open trades screen and pressing "alt + o" or "option + o"."'}<br>
Jul-12 01:12:54.948 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.n.p.m.MailboxMessageService: The mailboxEntry was already removed earlier.<br>
Jul-12 01:12:54.962 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.n.p.m.MailboxMessageService: The mailboxEntry was already removed earlier.<br>
Jul-12 01:12:54.969 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.n.p.p.PeerManager: onDisconnect called: nodeAddress=Optional[4paqa3ztawuikbgkhkta6bdptb4rvcmgquw3iv4srsaoyrqycxwipfyd.onion:9999], closeConnectionReason=CloseConnectionReason{sendCloseMessage=false, isIntended=false} NO_PROTO_BUFFER_ENV<br>
Jul-12 01:12:54.971 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.n.p.p.p.PeerExchangeManager: onDisconnect closeConnectionReason=CloseConnectionReason{sendCloseMessage=false, isIntended=false} NO_PROTO_BUFFER_ENV, nodeAddressOpt=Optional[4paqa3ztawuikbgkhkta6bdptb4rvcmgquw3iv4srsaoyrqycxwipfyd.onion:9999]<br>
Jul-12 01:12:54.974 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.c.d.n.l.n.RequestBlocksHandler: Sending of GetBlocksRequest message to peer sn4bsqpc7eb2ntvpsycxbzqt6fre72l4krp2fl5svphfh2eusrqtq3qd.onion:8000 succeeded.<br>
Jul-12 01:12:55.397 [InputHandler-sn4bsqpc7eb2ntvpsycxbzqt6fre72l4krp2fl5svphfh2eusrqtq3qd.onion:8000] INFO  b.c.d.n.m.GetBlocksResponse: Received a GetBlocksResponse with 30 blocks and 19.802 kB size<br>
Jul-12 01:12:55.399 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.c.d.n.l.n.RequestBlocksHandler: We received from peer sn4bsqpc7eb2ntvpsycxbzqt6fre72l4krp2fl5svphfh2eusrqtq3qd.onion:8000 a BlocksResponse with 30 blocks<br>
Jul-12 01:12:55.400 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.c.d.n.l.n.LiteNodeNetworkService: requestBlocksHandler to sn4bsqpc7eb2ntvpsycxbzqt6fre72l4krp2fl5svphfh2eusrqtq3qd.onion:8000 completed<br>
Jul-12 01:12:55.400 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.c.d.n.l.LiteNode: We received blocks from height 690605 to 690634<br>
Jul-12 01:12:55.404 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.c.d.s.DaoStateService: New Block added at blockHeight 690605<br>
Jul-12 01:12:55.408 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.c.d.s.DaoStateService: Parse block completed: Block height 690605, 1 BSQ transactions.<br>
Jul-12 01:13:01.736 [NetworkNode:SendMessage-to-a5iobnkua53h25s7dj5gzajvepgqzdwlbyiktpf4c5o7dsaj7f3y2pyd.onion:9999] INFO  b.n.p.n.NetworkNode: Socket creation to peersNodeAddress a5iobnkua53h25s7dj5gzajvepgqzdwlbyiktpf4c5o7dsaj7f3y2pyd.onion:9999 took 6601 ms<br>
Jul-12 01:13:03.623 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.c.d.n.p.BlockParser: Parsing 1 transactions at block height 690605 took 8221 ms<br>
Jul-12 01:13:03.716 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.n.p.s.P2PDataStorage: We added 8693 entries from SignedWitnessStorageService to the excluded key set of our request<br>
Jul-12 01:13:03.725 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.n.p.s.P2PDataStorage: We added 3324 entries from AccountAgeWitnessStorageService to the excluded key set of our request<br>
Jul-12 01:13:03.725 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.n.p.s.P2PDataStorage: We added 0 entries from TradeStatistics2StorageService to the excluded key set of our request<br>
Jul-12 01:13:03.739 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.n.p.s.P2PDataStorage: We added 4846 entries from TradeStatistics3StorageService to the excluded key set of our request<br>
Jul-12 01:13:03.742 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.n.p.s.P2PDataStorage: We added 721 entries from ProposalStorageService to the excluded key set of our request<br>
Jul-12 01:13:03.743 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.n.p.s.P2PDataStorage: We added 398 entries from BlindVoteStorageService to the excluded key set of our request<br>
Jul-12 01:13:04.023 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.n.p.p.g.RequestDataHandler: We send a GetUpdatedDataRequest to peer sn3emzy56u3mxzsr4geysc52feoq5qt7ja56km6gygwnszkshunn2sid.onion:8000.<br>
Jul-12 01:13:05.482 [TorControlParser] INFO  o.b.n.tor.Tor: Hidden Service wrg6ghkv3jpsg3v4.onion has been announced to the Tor network.<br>
Jul-12 01:13:05.724 [TorControlParser] INFO  o.b.n.tor.Tor: Hidden Service wrg6ghkv3jpsg3v4.onion has been announced to the Tor network.<br>
Jul-12 01:13:06.303 [TorControlParser] INFO  o.b.n.tor.Tor: Hidden Service wrg6ghkv3jpsg3v4.onion has been announced to the Tor network.<br>
Jul-12 01:13:08.182 [TorControlParser] INFO  o.b.n.tor.Tor: Hidden Service wrg6ghkv3jpsg3v4.onion has been announced to the Tor network.<br>
Jul-12 01:13:08.596 [TorControlParser] INFO  o.b.n.tor.Tor: Hidden Service wrg6ghkv3jpsg3v4.onion has been announced to the Tor network.<br>
Jul-12 01:13:08.652 [TorControlParser] INFO  o.b.n.tor.Tor: Hidden Service wrg6ghkv3jpsg3v4.onion has been announced to the Tor network.<br>
Jul-12 01:13:10.380 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.c.b.w.BsqWalletService: updateBsqBalance took 366 ms<br>
Jul-12 01:13:10.415 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.n.p.p.PeerManager: Num of latestLivePeers=3<br>
Jul-12 01:13:10.418 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.c.d.s.DaoStateService: New Block added at blockHeight 690606<br>
Jul-12 01:13:10.418 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.c.d.s.DaoStateService: Parse block completed: Block height 690606, 0 BSQ transactions.<br>
Jul-12 01:13:14.657 [NetworkNode:SendMessage-to-sn3emzy56u3mxzsr4geysc52feoq5qt7ja56km6gygwnszkshunn2sid.onion:8000] INFO  b.n.p.n.NetworkNode: Socket creation to peersNodeAddress sn3emzy56u3mxzsr4geysc52feoq5qt7ja56km6gygwnszkshunn2sid.onion:8000 took 10632 ms<br>
Jul-12 01:13:14.666 [NetworkNode:SendMessage-to-sn3emzy56u3mxzsr4geysc52feoq5qt7ja56km6gygwnszkshunn2sid.onion:8000] INFO  b.n.p.p.g.m.GetUpdatedDataRequest: Sending a GetUpdatedDataRequest with 495.141 kB and 20908 excluded key entries. Requesters version=1.7.0<br>
Jul-12 01:13:14.675 [pool-71-thread-1] INFO  b.n.p.p.g.m.GetUpdatedDataRequest: Sending a GetUpdatedDataRequest with 495.141 kB and 20908 excluded key entries. Requesters version=1.7.0<br>
Jul-12 01:13:17.825 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.c.d.n.p.BlockParser: Parsing 0 transactions at block height 690606 took 7407 ms<br>
Jul-12 01:13:20.143 [InputHandler-sn3emzy56u3mxzsr4geysc52feoq5qt7ja56km6gygwnszkshunn2sid.onion:8000] INFO  b.n.p.p.g.m.GetDataResponse: Received a GetDataResponse with 71.575 kB<br>
Jul-12 01:13:23.590 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.c.b.w.BsqWalletService: updateBsqBalance took 681 ms<br>
Jul-12 01:13:23.606 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.c.d.s.DaoStateService: New Block added at blockHeight 690607<br>
Jul-12 01:13:23.606 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.c.d.s.DaoStateService: Parse block completed: Block height 690607, 0 BSQ transactions.<br>
Jul-12 01:13:24.212 [BlockingClient network thread for 4nnuyxm5k5tlyjq3.onion/:8333] ERROR o.b.n.BlockingClient: Error trying to open/read from connection: 4nnuyxm5k5tlyjq3.onion/:8333: Connect timed out<br>
Jul-12 01:13:24.213 [BlockingClient network thread for 4nnuyxm5k5tlyjq3.onion/:8333] INFO  o.b.c.PeerGroup: [4nnuyxm5k5tlyjq3.onion]:8333: Peer died      (6 connected, 0 pending, 7 max)<br>
Jul-12 01:13:24.214 [PeerGroup Thread] INFO  o.b.c.PeerGroup: Peer discovery took 12.57 μs and returned 0 items<br>
Jul-12 01:13:24.214 [PeerGroup Thread] INFO  o.b.c.PeerGroup: Waiting 57665 ms before next connect attempt to [4nnuyxm5k5tlyjq3.onion]:8333<br>
Jul-12 01:13:29.419 [AbstractTimeoutHandler timeouts] INFO  o.b.c.PeerSocketHandler: [4nnuyxm5k5tlyjq3.onion]:8333: Timed out<br>
Jul-12 01:13:29.420 [AbstractTimeoutHandler timeouts] INFO  o.b.c.PeerGroup: [4nnuyxm5k5tlyjq3.onion]:8333: Peer died      (6 connected, 0 pending, 7 max)<br>
Jul-12 01:13:29.420 [PeerGroup Thread] INFO  o.b.c.PeerGroup: Peer discovery took 4.752 μs and returned 0 items<br>
Jul-12 01:13:29.420 [PeerGroup Thread] INFO  o.b.c.PeerGroup: Waiting 86497 ms before next connect attempt to [4nnuyxm5k5tlyjq3.onion]:8333<br>
Jul-12 01:13:29.869 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.c.d.n.p.BlockParser: Parsing 0 transactions at block height 690607 took 6264 ms<br>
Jul-12 01:13:30.012 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.n.p.p.g.RequestDataHandler:<br>
Connected to node: sn3emzy56u3mxzsr4geysc52feoq5qt7ja56km6gygwnszkshunn2sid.onion:8000<br>
Received 29 instances from a GetUpdatedDataRequest<br>
MailboxStoragePayload: 19 / 71.109 kB<br>
AccountAgeWitness: 10 / 310 B<br>
Jul-12 01:13:30.763 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.n.p.s.P2PDataStorage: Processing 19 protectedStorageEntries took 750 ms.<br>
Jul-12 01:13:30.763 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.n.p.s.P2PDataStorage: Processing 10 persistableNetworkPayloads took 0 ms.<br>
Jul-12 01:13:30.764 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.n.p.p.g.RequestDataHandler: Processing GetDataResponse took 861 ms<br>
Jul-12 01:13:31.145 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.c.p.PersistenceManager: Serializing MailboxMessageList took 336 msec<br>
Jul-12 01:13:31.147 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.n.p.p.PeerManager: We have 4 connections open. Our limit is 12<br>
Jul-12 01:13:39.087 [Write-MailboxMessageList_to-disk] INFO  b.c.p.PersistenceManager: Writing the serialized MailboxMessageList completed in 7939 msec<br>
Jul-12 01:13:39.385 [NetworkNode:SendMessage-to-lc76wq2fqvvuyvcqhzmh4kv5w7vjjwuzbauyl6qlvm3nvsvqjvhinyid.onion:9999] INFO  b.n.p.n.NetworkNode: Socket creation to peersNodeAddress lc76wq2fqvvuyvcqhzmh4kv5w7vjjwuzbauyl6qlvm3nvsvqjvhinyid.onion:9999 took 8226 ms<br>
Jul-12 01:13:40.426 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.c.b.w.BsqWalletService: updateBsqBalance took 594 ms<br>
Jul-12 01:13:40.705 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.c.d.s.DaoStateService: New Block added at blockHeight 690608<br>
Jul-12 01:13:40.706 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.c.d.s.DaoStateService: Parse block completed: Block height 690608, 0 BSQ transactions.<br>
Jul-12 01:13:54.807 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.c.d.n.p.BlockParser: Parsing 0 transactions at block height 690608 took 14103 ms<br>
Jul-12 01:13:56.562 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.n.p.p.PeerManager: Num of latestLivePeers=4<br>
Jul-12 01:13:56.578 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.c.ClockWatcher: We have been in standby mode for 24 sec<br>
Jul-12 01:13:56.580 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.c.d.n.l.n.LiteNodeNetworkService: onAwakeFromStandby<br>
Jul-12 01:13:56.584 [JavaFX Application Thread] WARN  b.c.d.n.l.n.LiteNodeNetworkService: We tried 9 times but could not connect to a seed node.<br>
Jul-12 01:13:56.584 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.c.o.OpenOfferManager: onAwakeFromStandby<br>
Jul-12 01:13:56.741 [Write-RemovedPayloadsMap_to-disk] INFO  b.c.p.PersistenceManager: Writing the serialized RemovedPayloadsMap completed in 147 msec<br>
Jul-12 01:14:06.954 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.c.b.w.BsqWalletService: updateBsqBalance took 523 ms<br>
Jul-12 01:14:07.679 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.c.d.s.DaoStateService: New Block added at blockHeight 690609<br>
Jul-12 01:14:07.683 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.c.d.s.DaoStateService: Parse block completed: Block height 690609, 2 BSQ transactions.<br>
Jul-12 01:14:16.340 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.c.d.n.p.BlockParser: Parsing 2 transactions at block height 690609 took 8664 ms<br>
Jul-12 01:14:17.141 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.n.p.p.PeerManager: We have 5 connections open. Our limit is 12<br>
Jul-12 01:14:17.179 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.n.p.s.P2PDataStorage: We added 8693 entries from SignedWitnessStorageService to the excluded key set of our request<br>
Jul-12 01:14:17.182 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.n.p.s.P2PDataStorage: We added 3324 entries from AccountAgeWitnessStorageService to the excluded key set of our request<br>
Jul-12 01:14:17.183 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.n.p.s.P2PDataStorage: We added 0 entries from TradeStatistics2StorageService to the excluded key set of our request<br>
Jul-12 01:14:17.191 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.n.p.s.P2PDataStorage: We added 4846 entries from TradeStatistics3StorageService to the excluded key set of our request<br>
Jul-12 01:14:17.192 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.n.p.s.P2PDataStorage: We added 721 entries from ProposalStorageService to the excluded key set of our request<br>
Jul-12 01:14:17.194 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.n.p.s.P2PDataStorage: We added 398 entries from BlindVoteStorageService to the excluded key set of our request<br>
Jul-12 01:14:17.382 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.n.p.p.g.RequestDataHandler: We send a GetUpdatedDataRequest to peer sn3bsq3evqkpshdmc3sbdxafkhfnk7ctop44jsxbxyys5ridsaw5abyd.onion:8000.<br>
Jul-12 01:14:21.879 [PeerGroup Thread] INFO  o.b.c.PeerGroup: Peer discovery took 53.93 μs and returned 0 items<br>
Jul-12 01:14:21.880 [PeerGroup Thread] INFO  o.b.c.PeerGroup: Waiting 34038 ms before next connect attempt to [4nnuyxm5k5tlyjq3.onion]:8333<br>
Jul-12 01:14:23.565 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.c.b.w.BsqWalletService: updateBsqBalance took 387 ms<br>
Jul-12 01:14:23.892 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.c.d.s.DaoStateService: New Block added at blockHeight 690610<br>
Jul-12 01:14:23.892 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.c.d.s.DaoStateService: Parse block completed: Block height 690610, 0 BSQ transactions.<br>
Jul-12 01:14:28.254 [NetworkNode:SendMessage-to-sn3bsq3evqkpshdmc3sbdxafkhfnk7ctop44jsxbxyys5ridsaw5abyd.onion:8000] INFO  b.n.p.n.NetworkNode: Socket creation to peersNodeAddress sn3bsq3evqkpshdmc3sbdxafkhfnk7ctop44jsxbxyys5ridsaw5abyd.onion:8000 took 10871 ms<br>
Jul-12 01:14:28.272 [NetworkNode:SendMessage-to-sn3bsq3evqkpshdmc3sbdxafkhfnk7ctop44jsxbxyys5ridsaw5abyd.onion:8000] INFO  b.n.p.p.g.m.GetUpdatedDataRequest: Sending a GetUpdatedDataRequest with 495.039 kB and 20905 excluded key entries. Requesters version=1.7.0<br>
Jul-12 01:14:28.296 [pool-75-thread-1] INFO  b.n.p.p.g.m.GetUpdatedDataRequest: Sending a GetUpdatedDataRequest with 495.039 kB and 20905 excluded key entries. Requesters version=1.7.0<br>
Jul-12 01:14:30.584 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.c.d.n.p.BlockParser: Parsing 0 transactions at block height 690610 took 6693 ms<br>
Jul-12 01:14:35.613 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.c.b.w.BsqWalletService: updateBsqBalance took 285 ms<br>
Jul-12 01:14:35.766 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.c.d.s.DaoStateService: New Block added at blockHeight 690611<br>
Jul-12 01:14:35.767 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.c.d.s.DaoStateService: Parse block completed: Block height 690611, 0 BSQ transactions.<br>
Jul-12 01:14:39.780 [NetworkNode:SendMessage-to-ii7pakv6vej36oqpd7yzd5ek77dnuwf3mk6frpkioyuej2loasqjdkid.onion:9999] INFO  b.n.p.n.NetworkNode: Socket creation to peersNodeAddress ii7pakv6vej36oqpd7yzd5ek77dnuwf3mk6frpkioyuej2loasqjdkid.onion:9999 took 9091 ms<br>
Jul-12 01:14:42.684 [InputHandler-sn3bsq3evqkpshdmc3sbdxafkhfnk7ctop44jsxbxyys5ridsaw5abyd.onion:8000] INFO  b.n.p.p.g.m.GetDataResponse: Received a GetDataResponse with 71.575 kB<br>
Jul-12 01:14:42.698 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.c.d.n.p.BlockParser: Parsing 0 transactions at block height 690611 took 6976 ms<br>
Jul-12 01:14:42.717 [JavaFX Application Thread] WARN  b.c.t.TradeManager: We found a failed trade with locked up funds. That should never happen. trade ID=HsJLxDTh-558e01aa-4224-460b-934d-cb13c246fea5-095<br>
Jul-12 01:14:42.718 [JavaFX Application Thread] WARN  b.c.a.BisqSetup: You have locked up funds from a failed trade.<br>
Locked up balance: 0.0460 BTC<br>
Deposit tx address: bc1q4mcmazz6z2smjxfzcz045njed5wgakqj7qeent<br>
Trade ID: tl610wrb-8b28b070-8903-410f-abca-5f0759c80c40-170.</p>
<p>Please open a support ticket by selecting the trade in the open trades screen and pressing "alt + o" or "option + o"."<br>
Jul-12 01:14:42.723 [JavaFX Application Thread] WARN  b.d.m.o.p.PopupManager: The capacity is full with popups in the queue.<br>
Not added new popup=Popup{headLine='Warning', message='You have locked up funds from a failed trade.<br>
Locked up balance: 0.0460 BTC<br>
Deposit tx address: bc1q4mcmazz6z2smjxfzcz045njed5wgakqj7qeent<br>
Trade ID: tl610wrb-8b28b070-8903-410f-abca-5f0759c80c40-170.</p>
<p>Please open a support ticket by selecting the trade in the open trades screen and pressing "alt + o" or "option + o"."'}<br>
Jul-12 01:14:42.724 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.c.p.f.FeeService: BTC tx fee: txFeePerVbyte=10 minFeePerVbyte=2<br>
Jul-12 01:14:42.747 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.n.p.p.PeerManager: Connection statistics:</p>
<p>Connection 1<br>
Age: 2 minutes, 34.115 seconds<br>
Peer: u64gt7eyey7kw4xotpzjvcedlgda23yg53iq66ajltj73gq2wioh3yqd.onion:9999<br>
Type: PEER<br>
Direction: Outbound<br>
UID: 0fbbb5b1-27a6-47cb-9f4e-e533ea95ea41<br>
Time since last message: 0.000 seconds<br>
Sent data: 60.454 kB; {AddDataMessage=18, NewDaoStateHashMessage=4, Ping=1, RefreshOfferMessage=154, RemoveDataMessage=1, GetPeersRequest=1, RemoveMailboxDataMessage=2, BundleOfEnvelopes=6}<br>
Received data: 44.436 kB; {AddDataMessage=7, GetPeersResponse=1, RefreshOfferMessage=234, RemoveDataMessage=1, Pong=1}<br>
CPU time spent on sending messages: 1 minute, 21.953 seconds<br>
CPU time spent on receiving messages: 6 minutes, 29.729 seconds</p>
<p>Connection 2<br>
Age: 2 minutes, 33.669 seconds<br>
Peer: [Seed node] sn4bsqpc7eb2ntvpsycxbzqt6fre72l4krp2fl5svphfh2eusrqtq3qd.onion:8000<br>
Direction: Outbound<br>
UID: 4ebe72d7-f035-4875-bfbb-b049511d4a08<br>
Time since last message: 0.038 seconds<br>
Time for response: [GetBlocksRequest/Response: 0.428 seconds, GetUpdatedDataRequest/Response: 27.482 seconds]<br>
Sent data: 517.797 kB; {AddDataMessage=17, NewDaoStateHashMessage=4, GetBlocksRequest=1, Ping=1, RefreshOfferMessage=161, RemoveDataMessage=1, GetUpdatedDataRequest=1, RemoveMailboxDataMessage=2, BundleOfEnvelopes=6}<br>
Received data: 1.545 MB; {AddDataMessage=11, GetDataResponse=1, RefreshOfferMessage=175, GetBlocksResponse=1, Pong=1}<br>
CPU time spent on sending messages: 1 minute, 33.041 seconds<br>
CPU time spent on receiving messages: 4 minutes, 32.285 seconds</p>
<p>Connection 3<br>
Age: 1 minute, 41.008 seconds<br>
Peer: a5iobnkua53h25s7dj5gzajvepgqzdwlbyiktpf4c5o7dsaj7f3y2pyd.onion:9999<br>
Type: PEER<br>
Direction: Outbound<br>
UID: 88034c44-ed7b-42eb-b425-eb253e5b9954<br>
Time since last message: 0.004 seconds<br>
Sent data: 28.137 kB; {AddDataMessage=6, NewDaoStateHashMessage=4, RefreshOfferMessage=134, GetPeersRequest=1, BundleOfEnvelopes=4}<br>
Received data: 68.035 kB; {AddDataMessage=18, GetPeersResponse=1, RefreshOfferMessage=268}<br>
CPU time spent on sending messages: 1 minute, 17.278 seconds<br>
CPU time spent on receiving messages: 4 minutes, 35.834 seconds</p>
<p>Connection 4<br>
Age: 1 minute, 28.088 seconds<br>
Peer: [Seed node] sn3emzy56u3mxzsr4geysc52feoq5qt7ja56km6gygwnszkshunn2sid.onion:8000<br>
Direction: Outbound<br>
UID: b3ca902c-c376-4a3f-9a16-daa640922528<br>
Time since last message: 0.042 seconds<br>
Time for response: [GetUpdatedDataRequest/Response: 7.160 seconds]<br>
Sent data: 531.626 kB; {AddDataMessage=14, NewDaoStateHashMessage=3, RefreshOfferMessage=181, GetUpdatedDataRequest=1, BundleOfEnvelopes=3}<br>
Received data: 71.581 kB; {GetDataResponse=1}<br>
CPU time spent on sending messages: 53.868 seconds<br>
CPU time spent on receiving messages: 10.622 seconds</p>
<p>Connection 5<br>
Age: 1 minute, 3.360 seconds<br>
Peer: lc76wq2fqvvuyvcqhzmh4kv5w7vjjwuzbauyl6qlvm3nvsvqjvhinyid.onion:9999<br>
Type: PEER<br>
Direction: Outbound<br>
UID: eb458853-cbd9-4470-a09a-03a51c2e86af<br>
Time since last message: 0.041 seconds<br>
Sent data: 34.086 kB; {AddDataMessage=11, NewDaoStateHashMessage=2, RefreshOfferMessage=110, GetPeersRequest=1, BundleOfEnvelopes=2}<br>
Received data: 28.033 kB; {AddDataMessage=8, GetPeersResponse=1, RefreshOfferMessage=98}<br>
CPU time spent on sending messages: 42.328 seconds<br>
CPU time spent on receiving messages: 3 minutes, 40.582 seconds</p>
<p>Connection 6<br>
Age: 14.490 seconds<br>
Peer: [Seed node] sn3bsq3evqkpshdmc3sbdxafkhfnk7ctop44jsxbxyys5ridsaw5abyd.onion:8000<br>
Direction: Outbound<br>
UID: 520f3653-4174-4b67-981f-65d6a9ade8d4<br>
Time since last message: 7.049 seconds<br>
Time for response: [GetUpdatedDataRequest awaiting response... ]<br>
Sent data: 483.437 kB; {GetUpdatedDataRequest=1}<br>
Received data: 0; {}<br>
CPU time spent on sending messages: 7.440 seconds<br>
CPU time spent on receiving messages: 0.000 seconds</p>
<p>Jul-12 01:14:48.667 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.c.b.w.BsqWalletService: updateBsqBalance took 379 ms<br>
Jul-12 01:14:48.791 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.n.p.p.PeerManager: Num of latestLivePeers=5<br>
Jul-12 01:14:48.818 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.n.p.p.g.RequestDataHandler:<br>
Connected to node: sn3bsq3evqkpshdmc3sbdxafkhfnk7ctop44jsxbxyys5ridsaw5abyd.onion:8000<br>
Received 29 instances from a GetUpdatedDataRequest<br>
MailboxStoragePayload: 19 / 71.109 kB<br>
AccountAgeWitness: 10 / 310 B<br>
Jul-12 01:14:49.266 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.n.p.s.P2PDataStorage: Processing 19 protectedStorageEntries took 447 ms.<br>
Jul-12 01:14:49.267 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.n.p.s.P2PDataStorage: Processing 10 persistableNetworkPayloads took 0 ms.<br>
Jul-12 01:14:49.267 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.n.p.p.g.RequestDataHandler: Processing GetDataResponse took 449 ms<br>
Jul-12 01:14:49.268 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.c.d.s.DaoStateService: New Block added at blockHeight 690612<br>
Jul-12 01:14:49.270 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.c.d.s.DaoStateService: Parse block completed: Block height 690612, 0 BSQ transactions.<br>
Jul-12 01:14:54.125 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.c.d.n.p.BlockParser: Parsing 0 transactions at block height 690612 took 4857 ms<br>
Jul-12 01:14:54.198 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.n.p.p.PeerManager: We have 7 connections open. Our limit is 12<br>
Jul-12 01:14:55.915 [PeerGroup Thread] INFO  o.b.c.PeerGroup: Peer discovery took 10.24 μs and returned 0 items<br>
Jul-12 01:14:55.916 [PeerGroup Thread] INFO  o.b.c.PeerGroup: Waiting 7593 ms before next connect attempt to [4nnuyxm5k5tlyjq3.onion]:8333<br>
Jul-12 01:14:55.918 [PeerGroup Thread] INFO  o.b.c.PeerGroup: Waiting 7590 ms before next connect attempt to [4nnuyxm5k5tlyjq3.onion]:8333<br>
Jul-12 01:14:58.178 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.c.b.w.BsqWalletService: updateBsqBalance took 278 ms<br>
Jul-12 01:14:58.259 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.c.d.s.DaoStateService: New Block added at blockHeight 690613<br>
Jul-12 01:14:58.262 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.c.d.s.DaoStateService: Parse block completed: Block height 690613, 0 BSQ transactions.<br>
Jul-12 01:15:02.481 [NetworkNode:SendMessage-to-6fh3ugknzioakjka6mo2bmtkax7qhjm5pxnjoi53uybqgbq5qnbco3ad.onion:9999] INFO  b.n.p.n.NetworkNode: Socket creation to peersNodeAddress 6fh3ugknzioakjka6mo2bmtkax7qhjm5pxnjoi53uybqgbq5qnbco3ad.onion:9999 took 8282 ms<br>
Jul-12 01:15:03.515 [PeerGroup Thread] INFO  o.b.c.PeerGroup: Attempting connection to [4nnuyxm5k5tlyjq3.onion]:8333     (6 connected, 1 pending, 7 max)<br>
Jul-12 01:15:03.518 [PeerGroup Thread] INFO  o.b.c.PeerGroup: Peer discovery took 46.53 μs and returned 0 items<br>
Jul-12 01:15:05.900 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.c.d.n.p.BlockParser: Parsing 0 transactions at block height 690613 took 7641 ms<br>
Jul-12 01:15:06.262 [Write-SequenceNumberMap_to-disk] INFO  b.c.p.PersistenceManager: Writing the serialized SequenceNumberMap completed in 229 msec<br>
Jul-12 01:15:13.917 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.c.b.w.BsqWalletService: updateBsqBalance took 348 ms<br>
Jul-12 01:15:14.121 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.n.p.p.PeerManager: Num of latestLivePeers=6<br>
Jul-12 01:15:14.143 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.c.d.s.DaoStateService: New Block added at blockHeight 690614<br>
Jul-12 01:15:14.143 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.c.d.s.DaoStateService: Parse block completed: Block height 690614, 0 BSQ transactions.<br>
Jul-12 01:15:22.338 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.c.d.n.p.BlockParser: Parsing 0 transactions at block height 690614 took 8197 ms<br>
Jul-12 01:15:28.199 [Write-MailboxMessageList_to-disk] INFO  b.c.p.PersistenceManager: Writing the serialized MailboxMessageList completed in 5753 msec<br>
Jul-12 01:15:30.577 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.c.b.w.BsqWalletService: updateBsqBalance took 501 ms<br>
Jul-12 01:15:30.858 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.c.d.s.DaoStateService: New Block added at blockHeight 690615<br>
Jul-12 01:15:30.858 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.c.d.s.DaoStateService: Parse block completed: Block height 690615, 0 BSQ transactions.<br>
Jul-12 01:15:39.912 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.c.d.n.p.BlockParser: Parsing 0 transactions at block height 690615 took 9054 ms<br>
Jul-12 01:15:40.185 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.n.p.p.PeerManager: We have 8 connections open. Our limit is 12<br>
Jul-12 01:15:45.083 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.c.b.w.BsqWalletService: updateBsqBalance took 296 ms<br>
Jul-12 01:15:45.177 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.c.d.s.DaoStateService: New Block added at blockHeight 690616<br>
Jul-12 01:15:45.177 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.c.d.s.DaoStateService: Parse block completed: Block height 690616, 0 BSQ transactions.<br>
Jul-12 01:15:51.167 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.c.d.n.p.BlockParser: Parsing 0 transactions at block height 690616 took 5992 ms<br>
Jul-12 01:16:00.416 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.c.b.w.BsqWalletService: updateBsqBalance took 565 ms<br>
Jul-12 01:16:00.491 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.c.d.s.DaoStateService: New Block added at blockHeight 690617<br>
Jul-12 01:16:00.491 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.c.d.s.DaoStateService: Parse block completed: Block height 690617, 0 BSQ transactions.<br>
Jul-12 01:16:07.874 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.c.d.n.p.BlockParser: Parsing 0 transactions at block height 690617 took 7384 ms<br>
Jul-12 01:16:16.748 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.c.b.w.BsqWalletService: updateBsqBalance took 452 ms<br>
Jul-12 01:16:16.776 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.c.d.s.DaoStateService: New Block added at blockHeight 690618<br>
Jul-12 01:16:16.776 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.c.d.s.DaoStateService: Parse block completed: Block height 690618, 0 BSQ transactions.<br>
Jul-12 01:16:22.974 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.c.d.n.p.BlockParser: Parsing 0 transactions at block height 690618 took 6199 ms<br>
Jul-12 01:16:23.026 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.n.p.n.ConnectionState: We have changed the peerType from INITIAL_DATA_EXCHANGE to PEER as we have received all expected initial data responses at connection with peer Optional[sn4bsqpc7eb2ntvpsycxbzqt6fre72l4krp2fl5svphfh2eusrqtq3qd.onion:8000]/4ebe72d7-f035-4875-bfbb-b049511d4a08.<br>
Jul-12 01:16:28.426 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.c.b.w.BsqWalletService: updateBsqBalance took 303 ms<br>
Jul-12 01:16:28.427 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.c.d.s.DaoStateService: New Block added at blockHeight 690619<br>
Jul-12 01:16:28.427 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.c.d.s.DaoStateService: Parse block completed: Block height 690619, 0 BSQ transactions.<br>
Jul-12 01:16:34.703 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.c.d.n.p.BlockParser: Parsing 0 transactions at block height 690619 took 6276 ms<br>
Jul-12 01:16:38.599 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.c.b.w.BsqWalletService: updateBsqBalance took 265 ms<br>
Jul-12 01:16:38.645 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.c.d.s.DaoStateService: New Block added at blockHeight 690620<br>
Jul-12 01:16:38.645 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.c.d.s.DaoStateService: Parse block completed: Block height 690620, 0 BSQ transactions.<br>
Jul-12 01:16:44.961 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.c.d.s.DaoStateSnapshotService: Serializing snapshotCandidate for writing to Disc with height 690600 at height 690620 took 0 ms<br>
Jul-12 01:16:58.368 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.c.d.n.p.BlockParser: Parsing 0 transactions at block height 690620 took 19724 ms<br>
Jul-12 01:16:58.393 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.c.ClockWatcher: We have been in standby mode for 22 sec<br>
Jul-12 01:16:58.394 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.c.d.n.l.n.LiteNodeNetworkService: onAwakeFromStandby<br>
Jul-12 01:16:58.394 [JavaFX Application Thread] WARN  b.c.d.n.l.n.LiteNodeNetworkService: We tried 10 times but could not connect to a seed node.<br>
Jul-12 01:16:58.395 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.c.o.OpenOfferManager: onAwakeFromStandby<br>
Jul-12 01:17:03.304 [BlockingClient network thread for 4nnuyxm5k5tlyjq3.onion/:8333] ERROR o.b.n.BlockingClient: Error trying to open/read from connection: 4nnuyxm5k5tlyjq3.onion/:8333: SOCKS: TTL expired<br>
Jul-12 01:17:03.304 [BlockingClient network thread for 4nnuyxm5k5tlyjq3.onion/:8333] INFO  o.b.c.PeerGroup: [4nnuyxm5k5tlyjq3.onion]:8333: Peer died      (6 connected, 0 pending, 7 max)<br>
Jul-12 01:17:03.304 [PeerGroup Thread] INFO  o.b.c.PeerGroup: Peer discovery took 12.19 μs and returned 0 items<br>
Jul-12 01:17:03.306 [PeerGroup Thread] INFO  o.b.c.PeerGroup: Waiting 129746 ms before next connect attempt to [4nnuyxm5k5tlyjq3.onion]:8333<br>
Jul-12 01:17:03.729 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.c.b.w.BsqWalletService: updateBsqBalance took 262 ms<br>
Jul-12 01:17:04.290 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.c.d.s.DaoStateService: New Block added at blockHeight 690621<br>
Jul-12 01:17:04.290 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.c.d.s.DaoStateService: Parse block completed: Block height 690621, 1 BSQ transactions.<br>
Jul-12 01:17:08.518 [AbstractTimeoutHandler timeouts] INFO  o.b.c.PeerSocketHandler: [4nnuyxm5k5tlyjq3.onion]:8333: Timed out<br>
Jul-12 01:17:08.518 [AbstractTimeoutHandler timeouts] INFO  o.b.c.PeerGroup: [4nnuyxm5k5tlyjq3.onion]:8333: Peer died      (6 connected, 0 pending, 7 max)<br>
Jul-12 01:17:08.518 [PeerGroup Thread] INFO  o.b.c.PeerGroup: Peer discovery took 6.512 μs and returned 0 items<br>
Jul-12 01:17:08.519 [PeerGroup Thread] INFO  o.b.c.PeerGroup: Waiting 194619 ms before next connect attempt to [4nnuyxm5k5tlyjq3.onion]:8333<br>
Jul-12 01:17:09.621 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.c.d.n.p.BlockParser: Parsing 1 transactions at block height 690621 took 5332 ms<br>
Jul-12 01:17:09.656 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.n.p.s.P2PDataStorage: We added 8693 entries from SignedWitnessStorageService to the excluded key set of our request<br>
Jul-12 01:17:09.658 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.n.p.s.P2PDataStorage: We added 3324 entries from AccountAgeWitnessStorageService to the excluded key set of our request<br>
Jul-12 01:17:09.658 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.n.p.s.P2PDataStorage: We added 0 entries from TradeStatistics2StorageService to the excluded key set of our request<br>
Jul-12 01:17:09.662 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.n.p.s.P2PDataStorage: We added 4846 entries from TradeStatistics3StorageService to the excluded key set of our request<br>
Jul-12 01:17:09.663 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.n.p.s.P2PDataStorage: We added 721 entries from ProposalStorageService to the excluded key set of our request<br>
Jul-12 01:17:09.665 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.n.p.s.P2PDataStorage: We added 398 entries from BlindVoteStorageService to the excluded key set of our request<br>
Jul-12 01:17:09.755 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.n.p.p.g.RequestDataHandler: We send a GetUpdatedDataRequest to peer wizseedscybbttk4bmb2lzvbuk2jtect37lcpva4l3twktmkzemwbead.onion:8000.<br>
Jul-12 01:17:14.112 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.c.b.w.BsqWalletService: updateBsqBalance took 246 ms<br>
Jul-12 01:17:14.256 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.c.d.s.DaoStateService: New Block added at blockHeight 690622<br>
Jul-12 01:17:14.258 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.c.d.s.DaoStateService: Parse block completed: Block height 690622, 2 BSQ transactions.<br>
Jul-12 01:17:15.784 [NetworkNode:SendMessage-to-wizseedscybbttk4bmb2lzvbuk2jtect37lcpva4l3twktmkzemwbead.onion:8000] INFO  b.n.p.n.NetworkNode: Socket creation to peersNodeAddress wizseedscybbttk4bmb2lzvbuk2jtect37lcpva4l3twktmkzemwbead.onion:8000 took 6028 ms<br>
Jul-12 01:17:15.796 [NetworkNode:SendMessage-to-wizseedscybbttk4bmb2lzvbuk2jtect37lcpva4l3twktmkzemwbead.onion:8000] INFO  b.n.p.p.g.m.GetUpdatedDataRequest: Sending a GetUpdatedDataRequest with 494.937 kB and 20902 excluded key entries. Requesters version=1.7.0<br>
Jul-12 01:17:15.805 [pool-81-thread-1] INFO  b.n.p.p.g.m.GetUpdatedDataRequest: Sending a GetUpdatedDataRequest with 494.937 kB and 20902 excluded key entries. Requesters version=1.7.0</p>

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