[bisq-network/bisq] Bisq disconnected from local btc node (#1823)

Manfred Karrer notifications at github.com
Wed Dec 19 11:33:05 UTC 2018

Add a few comments from my testing:
- I tested diff. versions of original BitcoinJ releases (0.14.4. up to 0.14.7) with the WalletAppKit and could reproduce the issue (with localhost testnet) with version 0.14.4 but not with higher ones. Found out that the new checkpoint file was the relevant change causing it. 

I agree with @oscarguindzberg that the real cause will be something else, but it seems to be triggered when the app needs to download more blockheaders from the past in case the checkpoint file is old. I have not tested with connection to public network. It might be related to the localhost setup and not causing the problems when connected to several nodes.  

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