[bisq-network/bisq-core] Add support for referrer IDs at offers and trades (#127)

Manfred Karrer notifications at github.com
Wed Jun 27 05:18:32 UTC 2018

ManfredKarrer commented on this pull request.

> +                ",\n     makerFee=" + makerFee +
+                ",\n     isCurrencyForMakerFeeBtc=" + isCurrencyForMakerFeeBtc +
+                ",\n     buyerSecurityDeposit=" + buyerSecurityDeposit +
+                ",\n     sellerSecurityDeposit=" + sellerSecurityDeposit +
+                ",\n     maxTradeLimit=" + maxTradeLimit +
+                ",\n     maxTradePeriod=" + maxTradePeriod +
+                ",\n     useAutoClose=" + useAutoClose +
+                ",\n     useReOpenAfterAutoClose=" + useReOpenAfterAutoClose +
+                ",\n     lowerClosePrice=" + lowerClosePrice +
+                ",\n     upperClosePrice=" + upperClosePrice +
+                ",\n     isPrivateOffer=" + isPrivateOffer +
+                ",\n     hashOfChallenge='" + hashOfChallenge + '\'' +
+                ",\n     extraDataMap=" + extraDataMap +
+                ",\n     protocolVersion=" + protocolVersion +
+                "\n}";
+    }

I have a custom template for toString:
If you do ctrl + enter you can generate toString. There in the opening window is a settings button right and there are the templates...
The Lombok toString is not editable and for readability I prefer linebreaks, as well there are some type specific behavior (bytes get printed as hex).

public java.lang.String toString() {
#if ( $members.size() > 0 )
#set ( $i = 0 )
    return "$classname{" +
#foreach( $member in $members )
#if ( $i == 0 )
    "\n     ##
    ",\n     ##
#if ( $member.objectArray )
#if ($java_version < 5)
$member.name=" + ($member.accessor == null ? null : bisq.common.util.Utilities.bytesAsHexString($member.accessor)) +
$member.name=" + bisq.common.util.Utilities.bytesAsHexString($member.accessor) +
#elseif ( $member.primitiveArray && $java_version >= 5)
$member.name=" + bisq.common.util.Utilities.bytesAsHexString($member.accessor) +
#elseif ( $member.string )
$member.name='" + $member.accessor + '\'' +
$member.name=" + $member.accessor +
#set ( $i = $i + 1 )
   #if ( $class.hasSuper )
   "\n} " + super.toString();
   #if ( $class.hasSuper )
   return "$classname{} " + super.toString();
   return "$classname{}";

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