[bisq-network/bisq] Find good UI solution for trade fee payment info in BSQ or BTC (#1782)

Manfred Karrer notifications at github.com
Wed Oct 17 16:10:49 UTC 2018

Atm we use a popup for asking the user if he wants to pay the rade fee in BTC or BSQ.
<img width="1190" alt="screen shot 2018-10-17 at 10 54 31" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1449498/47100161-7d5cd600-d1fc-11e8-8ee8-bc3c135184f5.png">

As we have already lots of popups specially at the create and take offer screens we should find another solution.
I think it is required to show at least once the user the option in the screens directly (not only to make that selection in the settings), but it should be in the settings as well (not impl. yet), so if the user has clicked for instance a "don't show again" checkbox he will not be bothered anymore in the trade screens.

If the user does not have BSQ in his BSQ wallet he gets another popup.
<img width="758" alt="screen shot 2018-10-17 at 11 03 41" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1449498/47100154-76ce5e80-d1fc-11e8-859c-3eecc9a91246.png">

Maybe we can show the fee option similar like the security deposit option but make the security deposit option by default invisible and only enable it if selected in the settings to show it (advanced option). Once the user has selected first time the fee (BSQ or BTC) he can get an info that it will be hidden from now on but can be turned on in the settings again. In the popup we should also promote the discount when using BSQ and maybe give a bit of hints for more info regarding BSQ/DAO.

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