[bisq-network/bisq] Not running on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (#1791)

Sandro Trianni notifications at github.com
Sun Oct 21 18:52:52 UTC 2018

So i finally got this working on Debian 9 with fully enabled copy & paste RDP protocol (which is superior to vnc and faster)
Here's a little updated guide to https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/wiki/2.2.-Hosted-Bisq-using-VPS for anyone who cares:

Make a new google compute engine with 1 vCPU 3.75 GB memory and a 10 or 20 gig Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch) image. Expand security tab and add your ssh key bound to a user (avoid the browser terminal)

SSH into the machine and create a password enabled user for RDP:
adduser bisq
usermod -aG sudo bisq

Install xrdp with xfce desktop
sudo apt-get -y update
sudo apt-get install -y xrdp tigervnc-standalone-server
sudo apt-get install -y xfce4 xfce4-terminal

Enable xfce for xrdp:
echo xfce4-session > /home/bisq/.xsession
nano /etc/xrdp/startwm.sh

Replace all lines after if..fi startwm.sh with startxfce4. The file should look like this:
if test -r /etc/default/locale; then

#test -x /etc/X11/Xsession && exec /etc/X11/Xsession
#exec /bin/sh /etc/X11/Xsession

optional:  **nano /etc/xrdp/xrdp.ini** and move the section Xvnc onto first place (default) before Xorg

Restart xrdp:
`sudo service xrdp restart`

Use a free rdp client to connect to your instance with the bisq user. open a terminal to install the latest bisq.deb:
wget https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/releases/download/v0.8.0/Bisq-64bit-0.8.0.deb
sudo dpkg -i Bisq-64bit-0.8.0.deb

RDP and VNC are **unsecure**, unencrypted protocols! You should use a local ssh tunnel to port 3389!
Example for windows with Putty:
On putty go to Connection->SSH->Tunnels 
_Source port: 33389
Destination: localhost:3389
Set to Local_

SSH with these settings to your instance and connect your RDP client to localhost:33389

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