[bisq-network/proposals] Blog Maintainer Role (#81)

John Forsyth notifications at github.com
Mon Apr 29 20:35:36 UTC 2019

> _This is a Bisq Network proposal. Please familiarize yourself with the [submission and review process](https://docs.bisq.network/proposals.html)._

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It was made clear in [this issue](https://github.com/bisq-network/compensation/issues/261) that the Bisq blogging initiative was poorly defined in its goals and mechanisms when it was started sometime in March 2019.

After discussing some ideas between Steve Jain, Aruna Surya and myself, we now have a better idea of the what, why, and how of the Bisq blog.

Blog topics were originally submitted in the Bisq growth repository and I think it speaks to its still-standing goals; to grow the Bisq network.

Without good communications and outreach, Bisq will be slow to adopt. A consistent blogging effort can bring in traffic through search engines, but can also help newcomers be welcomed to Bisq by having a consistent, educational, and friendly voice.

We propose that a new role be implemented titled “Blog Maintainer” and that this maintainer has certain duties (I will describe these responsibilities further below.)

That there be a **fixed budget** for writers per voting cycle. The amount is subject to change based on feedback but **can start at 500 BSQ**.

That there be at least **two blog posts** (or however many the stakeholders prefer) written every voting cycle. Compensation will be divided among the writers from the allotted 500 BSQ and can vary per post.

- If the maintainer makes both posts, and deems them worth 250 each, then they earn 500. Full budget spent.
- If they deem their posts worth 100 each, then they earn 200, and 200 is the total amount spent on the blogging initiative that month.
- If they do 1 post worth 200, and someone else does another post worth 250, then each person received what they earn, and the total spent on blogging that month is 450.
- If one person does work worth 300 and another does work worth 300, then both posts cannot be merged in the same month, since the total of 600 would be higher than the budget of 500. Both posts can still be merged, if stakeholders want them, but they’d have to be merged in separate months. It’s up to the blog maintainer to make sure that the posts merged in a month respect the limits that stakeholders have set.
- Ideal scenario: Blog Maintainer does no writing, and both posts are written by other contributors. In this case, they could charge something symbolic for their role like 25 BSQ (which is the current convention).


The Blog Maintainer has the following duties:

- Ensure two blogs (or however many stakeholders agree upon) are written and published every voting cycle.
- Assign writers to topics.
- Triage and label submitted topics.
- To include a monthly report that consists of

1. Number of posts targeted per month
2. Actual posts made that month
3. Count of accepted post topic proposals (bounties)

The Blog Maintainer has write access to the new Blog Maintainer repository.

I am volunteering to pick up this role after discussing with the unofficial blog maintainers Steve Jain and Aruna Surya.

I would like to include the following description into the readme doc for the new blog maintainer role.

This repository is a workflow for blog posts that are to be written for the https://bisq.network/blog/

Make sure you have joined the[ bisq slack channel](https://bisq.slack.com/messages/CG1R6J5M1/) as well as the #blogposts section.

For styling blog posts in Github I will provide a markdown template but, regardless you need to be making use of [this markdown cheatsheet](https://github.com/adam-p/markdown-here/wiki/Markdown-Cheatsheet).

There will be a **fixed budget of BSQ** to be distributed to Bisq blog contributors every voting cycle (amount is to be determined).

The blog creation process will be as follows:

1. Anyone can submit their blog topic ideas (with a BSQ amount that they think it's worth) as issues in the blog repository.

2. Anyone can upvote or downvote topics and explain why they should or shouldn’t be written.

3. If the piece has more upvotes than downvotes and plenty of feedback, then the creator of the issue or anyone else can **claim the piece by commenting the issue**. The blog maintainer would then **assign the writer to the blog post** and add the writers’ name to the blog writing publication schedule with an assigned publication date.

4. The blog maintainer will wait until a writer has announced that they have completed work on a blog topic so edits can proceed.

5. Any contributor can edit the posts but must do so as pull requests. This allows for transparency when it comes to editors asking to be compensated.

6. The blog maintainer will make the final decision on the completeness of the blog posts before they are merged.

7. Repeat steps 1 - 6.

Blog topic proposals must include a number of BSQ requested for writing the topic but the amount can change if the writer feels that they deserve more or less for their work.

--------------------------------------------------End of README-----------------------------------------------------

Initial tasks to be done as Blog Maintainer:

Consolidate blog topics under the new Blog repository and label each.
Create the readme doc which describes the blog writing process.
Coordinate and communicate with all current writers about the new writing process.
Create tutorial video describing the Bisq blog writing process

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