[bisq-network/roles] Monitoring Operator/Maintainer (#10)

Harry MacFinned notifications at github.com
Mon Aug 5 07:18:53 UTC 2019

### 2019.07-08 29-04 report - week 31 (0 alert)

- gaps between fees onion pages : 72 gaps / 2016 pings = 3.6%
As usual. Nothing systematical. ~ All gaps were punctual and small.

- gaps between prices onion pages : 0 alert transmitted
NTR, only the usual small deviations for DOGE, SEK, etc.

- timestamp alerts : 1 issue/2016 pings
Strictly punctual at 2019-08-01 21:05:20 ; concerned all pricenodes, so the issue was probably on the provider side. No price deviation produced.

- fees values : min = 10 s/b : (6897 occurences) : mean = 15.3 s/b : max = 54 s/b (5 occurrences).

Bisq numbers for the week : 579 BTC / 648 trades (+175% BTC, +58% trades)

Exceptions :

Dates | cto | rto | herr | undef | sum |   |
29 |  14 | 0 | 0 | 1 | **15**  | 36*5= 180 exceptions on myside 19:55-22:50, not counted
30 |  15 | 2 | 0 | 3 | **20**  |
31 |  25 | 0 | 0 | 3 | **28**  |
01 |  56 | 1 | 0 | 3 | **60**  |
02 |  54 | 0 | 0 | 3 | **57**  |
03 |  28 | 1 | 0 | 3 | **32**  |
04 |  17 | 1 | 0 | 1 | **19**  |
**sum** | **209** | **5** | **0** | **17** | **231** |

Exceptions by onion :  23 73 28 87 20 sum= 231

Node 2 and 4 had each a 3 hours consecutive serie of exceptions at different period. However, in one case, while the node was seen in exception from the python monitor, the node was seen as ok in the torbrowser. This kind of exception issues is probably often due to some specific way issue in the tor network.

- total pings par week = 288 pings per day x 7 days x 5 onions = 10080 pings
- 231 exceptions / 10080 pings = 2.3%
- 209 cto / 231 exceptions = 90.5% (cto = connection timeouts)
- Detailed data: https://github.com/HarryMacfinned/bisq-monitor/blob/master/bisqFees-2019Q3.txt

Bisq Tor metrics : https://monitor.bisq.network/
Global Tor metrics : https://metrics.torproject.org/torperf-failures.html

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