[bisq-network/bisq] Update linux packaging process (#2190)

Christoph Atteneder notifications at github.com
Mon Jan 7 08:59:25 UTC 2019

ripcurlx commented on this pull request.

> +    echo Zipping jar again without module config to $jar_file
+    cd $tmp; zip -r -q -X $jar_file *
+    cd $base_dir; rm -rf $tmp
+    echo SHA256 before stripping jar file:
+    shasum -a256 $jar_file | awk '{print $1}'
+    echo Making deterministic jar by stripping out parameters and comments that contain dates
+    # Jar file created from https://github.com/ManfredKarrer/tools
+    # TODO Is this step still necessary? Since we are using preserveFileTimestamps and reproducibleFileOrder in build.gradle
+    java -jar $base_dir/desktop/package/tools-1.0.jar $jar_file
+    echo SHA256 after stripping jar file:
+    shasum -a256 $jar_file | awk '{print $1}' | tee $base_dir/desktop/package/desktop-$version-all.jar.txt
+    chmod o+rx "$base_dir/desktop/package/desktop-$version-all.jar"

This only works when building from source. When using an existing jar file in a virtual box shared folder, we need to copy it locally and change the permissions and reference it from there.

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