[bisq-network/bisq] Connect to another seed if current seed does not have recent BSQ blocks (#2927)

Florian Reimair notifications at github.com
Sat Jul 13 13:24:01 UTC 2019

I agree on the issue.

The challenge lies in finding a suitable algorithm to decide whether we can "trust" a seed node or not. We could incorporate metrics like RTT for example, construct a set of heads for BSQBlockHeight, MailboxMessages, ... and see if one seed node is behind, consult other sources, ... Given the client (or many clients) decide that a seed node is no good - how long do stick to their decision? What if clients block a majority of seed nodes? IMHO this task is by far not trivial and I fear that we introduce more complexity and attack surface into the Bisq network dynamics than we want.

In the case of missing BSQ Blocks, an alternative approch would be for a seed node to not respond to queries as long as a sync is in progress. However, what if for whatever reason 4 out of 8 seed nodes are syncing and are therefore not available? The remaining 4 would get all the requests. Possibly even longer then necessary, as the clients do not sync themselves periodically.

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