[bisq-network/bisq] Update GUI labels to reflect multiple rate providers (#4406)

wiz notifications at github.com
Sat Aug 8 21:00:55 UTC 2020

@wiz commented on this pull request.

> @@ -400,7 +384,12 @@ public void onSuccess(@Nullable Tuple2<Map<String, Long>, Map<String, MarketPric
                 UserThread.execute(() -> {
                     checkNotNull(result, "Result must not be null at requestAllPrices");
                     timeStampMap = result.first;
-                    epochInSecondAtLastRequest = timeStampMap.get("btcAverageTs");
+                    // Each currency rate has a different timestamp, depending on when
+                    // the pricenode aggregate rate was calculated
+                    // However, the request timestamp is when the pricenode was queried
+                    epochInMillisAtLastRequest = System.currentTimeMillis();

The timestamp is not for when the data was updated from the pricenode, that's irrelevant. The timestamp is for the price itself, i.e. when the price was obtained from the provider, or in the case of a weighted average aka index, the time when the index was last updated. Can you please use the `timestampSec` field for each asset's index?

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