[bisq-network/bisq] Update GUI labels to reflect multiple rate providers (#4406)

cd2357 notifications at github.com
Sun Aug 9 12:01:58 UTC 2020

@cd2357 commented on this pull request.

> @@ -400,7 +384,12 @@ public void onSuccess(@Nullable Tuple2<Map<String, Long>, Map<String, MarketPric
                 UserThread.execute(() -> {
                     checkNotNull(result, "Result must not be null at requestAllPrices");
                     timeStampMap = result.first;
-                    epochInSecondAtLastRequest = timeStampMap.get("btcAverageTs");
+                    // Each currency rate has a different timestamp, depending on when
+                    // the pricenode aggregate rate was calculated
+                    // However, the request timestamp is when the pricenode was queried
+                    epochInMillisAtLastRequest = System.currentTimeMillis();


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