[bisq-network/bisq] Add local Bitcoin node configuration detection (#3982)

sqrrm notifications at github.com
Sat Feb 22 23:05:59 UTC 2020

sqrrm commented on this pull request.

I added a comment on some of the blank lines I would remove. Personally I would probably make it even tighter though.

I understand the motivation of separating some of the concepts with blank lines, but it doesn't really help with readability since the methods themselves already contain the scope of activity.

     public LocalBitcoinNode(@Named(LOCAL_BITCOIN_NODE_PORT) int port) {
         this.port = port;
+    /* Creates an NioClient that is expected to only be used to coerce a VersionMessage
+     * out of a local Bitcoin node and be closed right after.
+     */
+    private static NioClient createClient(Peer peer, int port, int connectionTimeout) throws IOException {
+        InetSocketAddress serverAddress =
+                new InetSocketAddress(InetAddress.getLocalHost(), port);
+        // This initiates the handshake procedure, which, if successful, will complete
+        // the peerVersionMessageFuture, or be cancelled, in case of failure.
+        NioClient client = new NioClient(serverAddress, peer, connectionTimeout);

Blank line

> +
+        return client;
+    }
+    /* Creates a Peer that is expected to only be used to coerce a VersionMessage out of a
+     * local Bitcoin node and be closed right after.
+     */
+    private static Peer createLocalPeer(int port) throws UnknownHostException {
+        // TODO: what's the effect of NetworkParameters on handshake?
+        // i.e. is it fine to just always use MainNetParams?
+        var networkParameters = new MainNetParams();
+        // We must construct a BitcoinJ Context before using BitcoinJ. We don't keep a
+        // reference, because it's automatically kept in a thread local storage.
+        new Context(networkParameters);

Blank line

> +    }
+    /* Creates a Peer that is expected to only be used to coerce a VersionMessage out of a
+     * local Bitcoin node and be closed right after.
+     */
+    private static Peer createLocalPeer(int port) throws UnknownHostException {
+        // TODO: what's the effect of NetworkParameters on handshake?
+        // i.e. is it fine to just always use MainNetParams?
+        var networkParameters = new MainNetParams();
+        // We must construct a BitcoinJ Context before using BitcoinJ. We don't keep a
+        // reference, because it's automatically kept in a thread local storage.
+        new Context(networkParameters);
+        var ourVersionMessage = new VersionMessage(networkParameters, 0);

Blank line

> +    /* Creates a Peer that is expected to only be used to coerce a VersionMessage out of a
+     * local Bitcoin node and be closed right after.
+     */
+    private static Peer createLocalPeer(int port) throws UnknownHostException {
+        // TODO: what's the effect of NetworkParameters on handshake?
+        // i.e. is it fine to just always use MainNetParams?
+        var networkParameters = new MainNetParams();
+        // We must construct a BitcoinJ Context before using BitcoinJ. We don't keep a
+        // reference, because it's automatically kept in a thread local storage.
+        new Context(networkParameters);
+        var ourVersionMessage = new VersionMessage(networkParameters, 0);
+        var localPeerAddress = new PeerAddress(InetAddress.getLocalHost(), port);

Blank line

> +     */
+    private static Peer createLocalPeer(int port) throws UnknownHostException {
+        // TODO: what's the effect of NetworkParameters on handshake?
+        // i.e. is it fine to just always use MainNetParams?
+        var networkParameters = new MainNetParams();
+        // We must construct a BitcoinJ Context before using BitcoinJ. We don't keep a
+        // reference, because it's automatically kept in a thread local storage.
+        new Context(networkParameters);
+        var ourVersionMessage = new VersionMessage(networkParameters, 0);
+        var localPeerAddress = new PeerAddress(InetAddress.getLocalHost(), port);
+        AbstractBlockChain blockchain = null;

Blank line

> +                isBloomFilteringSupportedAndEnabled(versionMessage);
+        return notPruning && supportsAndAllowsBloomFilters;
+    }
+    /* Method backported from upstream bitcoinj: at the time of writing, our version is
+     * not BIP111-aware.
+     * Source routines and data can be found in Bitcoinj under:
+     * core/src/main/java/org/bitcoinj/core/VersionMessage.java
+     * and
+     * core/src/main/java/org/bitcoinj/core/NetworkParameters.java
+     */
+    private static boolean isBloomFilteringSupportedAndEnabled(VersionMessage versionMessage) {
+        // A service bit that denotes whether the peer supports BIP37 bloom filters or
+        // not. The service bit is defined in BIP111.
+        int NODE_BLOOM = 1 << 2;

Blank line

> +     * Source routines and data can be found in Bitcoinj under:
+     * core/src/main/java/org/bitcoinj/core/VersionMessage.java
+     * and
+     * core/src/main/java/org/bitcoinj/core/NetworkParameters.java
+     */
+    private static boolean isBloomFilteringSupportedAndEnabled(VersionMessage versionMessage) {
+        // A service bit that denotes whether the peer supports BIP37 bloom filters or
+        // not. The service bit is defined in BIP111.
+        int NODE_BLOOM = 1 << 2;
+        var whenBloomFiltersWereIntroduced = BLOOM_FILTERS_BIP37_PROTOCOL_VERSION;
+        var whenBloomFiltersWereDisabledByDefault = BLOOM_FILTERS_BIP111_PROTOCOL_VERSION;

Blank line

> +
+    /* Method backported from upstream bitcoinj: at the time of writing, our version is
+     * not BIP111-aware.
+     * Source routines and data can be found in Bitcoinj under:
+     * core/src/main/java/org/bitcoinj/core/VersionMessage.java
+     * and
+     * core/src/main/java/org/bitcoinj/core/NetworkParameters.java
+     */
+    private static boolean isBloomFilteringSupportedAndEnabled(VersionMessage versionMessage) {
+        // A service bit that denotes whether the peer supports BIP37 bloom filters or
+        // not. The service bit is defined in BIP111.
+        int NODE_BLOOM = 1 << 2;
+        var whenBloomFiltersWereIntroduced = BLOOM_FILTERS_BIP37_PROTOCOL_VERSION;

Blank line

>              log.info("Local Bitcoin node detected on port {}", port);
-            detected = true;
+            var versionMessage = optionalVersionMessage.get();
+            var configurationCheckResult = checkWellConfigured(versionMessage);

Blank line

> +        try {
+            peer = createLocalPeer(port);
+        } catch (UnknownHostException ex) {
+            log.error("Local bitcoin node handshake attempt unexpectedly threw: {}", ex);
+            return Optional.empty();
+        }
+        /* We temporarily silence BitcoinJ NioClient's and NioClientManager's loggers,
+         * because when a local Bitcoin node is not found they pollute console output
+         * with "connection refused" error messages.
+         */
+        var originalNioClientLoggerLevel = silence(NioClient.class);
+        var originalNioClientManagerLoggerLevel = silence(NioClientManager.class);
+        NioClient client;

Blank line

>          }
-        callback.run();
+        ListenableFuture<VersionMessage> peerVersionMessageFuture = getVersionMessage(peer);

Blank line

> +
+        ListenableFuture<VersionMessage> peerVersionMessageFuture = getVersionMessage(peer);
+        Optional<VersionMessage> optionalPeerVersionMessage;
+        // block for VersionMessage or cancellation (in case of connection failure)
+        try {
+            var peerVersionMessage = peerVersionMessageFuture.get();
+            optionalPeerVersionMessage = Optional.of(peerVersionMessage);
+        } catch (ExecutionException | InterruptedException | CancellationException ex) {
+            optionalPeerVersionMessage = Optional.empty();
+        }
+        peer.close();
+        client.closeConnection();

Blank line

> +        var originalLevel = logger.getLevel();
+        logger.setLevel(Level.OFF);
+        return originalLevel;
+    }
+    private static void restoreLoggerLevel(Class klass, Level originalLevel) {
+        getLogger(klass).setLevel(originalLevel);
+    }
+    private static ch.qos.logback.classic.Logger getLogger(Class klass) {
+        return (ch.qos.logback.classic.Logger) LoggerFactory.getLogger(klass);
+    }
+    private ListenableFuture<VersionMessage> getVersionMessage(Peer peer) {
+        SettableFuture<VersionMessage> peerVersionMessageFuture = SettableFuture.create();

Blank line

> +        return handleUnsafeQuery(isUsable());
+    }
+    private boolean handleUnsafeQuery(Optional<Boolean> opt) {
+        return opt.orElseGet(() -> {
+            /* Returning false when checks haven't been performed yet is what the behaviour
+             * was before we switched to using Optionals. More specifically, the only query
+             * method at the time, isDetected(), would return false in such a case. We are
+             * relatively confident that the previous behaviour doesn't cause fatal bugs,
+             * so, in case LocalBitcoinNode is queried too early, we revert to it, instead
+             * of letting Optional.empty().get() throw an exception. The advantage over
+             * plain booleans then is that we can log the below error message (with
+             * stacktrace).
+             */
+            var whenChecksNotFinished = false;

Blank line

> +
+    private boolean handleUnsafeQuery(Optional<Boolean> opt) {
+        return opt.orElseGet(() -> {
+            /* Returning false when checks haven't been performed yet is what the behaviour
+             * was before we switched to using Optionals. More specifically, the only query
+             * method at the time, isDetected(), would return false in such a case. We are
+             * relatively confident that the previous behaviour doesn't cause fatal bugs,
+             * so, in case LocalBitcoinNode is queried too early, we revert to it, instead
+             * of letting Optional.empty().get() throw an exception. The advantage over
+             * plain booleans then is that we can log the below error message (with
+             * stacktrace).
+             */
+            var whenChecksNotFinished = false;
+            var throwable = new Throwable("LocalBitcoinNode was queried before it was ready");

Blank line

>          // unless the useTorForBtc parameter is explicitly provided.
         // On testnet there are very few Bitcoin tor nodes and we don't provide tor nodes.
+        // TODO bug. Non-critical, apparently.
+        // Sometimes this method, which queries LocalBitcoinNode for whether or not there's a
+        // usable local Bitcoin node, is called before LocalBitcoinNode has performed its
+        // checks. This was noticed when LocalBitcoinNode was refactored to return
+        // Optional<Boolean> istead of boolean, an empty Optional signifying that the relevant
+        // check has not yet been performed.
+        var usableLocalNodePresent = localBitcoinNode.safeIsUsable();

Blank line

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