[bisq-network/bisq] Cannot build Bisq rpm on Debian 10.3 VM (#4006)

Stan notifications at github.com
Mon Feb 24 19:53:51 UTC 2020

   SUPPORT REQUESTS: This is for reporting bugs in the Bisq app.
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### Description

The desktop/package/linux/package.sh script fails while trying to create an rpm for version=1.2.7-SNAPSHOT

		error: line 3: Illegal char '-' (0x2d) in: Version: 1.2.7-SNAPSHOT	

#### Version


### Steps to reproduce

1. build src using OpenJDK 11
2. set JAVA_HOME to Oracle JDK 10
3. run desktop/package/linux/package.sh

### Expected behaviour

Bisq-1.2.7-SNAPSHOT.deb and Bisq-1.2.7-SNAPSHOT.rpm are created with no errors.

### Actual behaviour

Bisq-1.2.7-SNAPSHOT.rpm could not be created because of the hyphen in the rpm version.

#### Device or machine

Debian 10.3 VM running inside Ubuntu 18.0.4
Intel i7, Nvidia GTX 960

#### Additional info

package.sh debug output:

According to https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/Main/RPMAndDebVersioning

	RPM (4.7.1) version format 	
			Characters NOT allowed: - / ~ .. (hyphen, slash, tilde, double dot)
			Spaces not allowed 
			Characters NOT allowed: - / ~ .. (hyphen, slash, tilde, double dot)
			Spaces not allowed 
According to https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html#s-f-version:

		The upstream_version may contain only alphanumerics [6] and the 
		characters . + - ~ (full stop, plus, hyphen, tilde) and should 
		start with a digit. 
		*** If there is no debian_revision then hyphens are not allowed. ***		
		This part of the version number specifies the version of the Debian 
		package based on the upstream version. It may contain only alphanumerics 
		and the characters + . ~ (plus, full stop, tilde) and is compared in the 
		same way as the upstream_version is.

Debian 10.3 can create Bisq-1.2.7-SNAPSHOT.deb, but not Bisq-1.2.7-SNAPSHOT.rpm
I tested creating rpm Bisq-1.2.7+SNAPSHOT.rpm on Debian 10.3 by creating a variable in linux/package.sh that replaces "-" with a valid "+" 

and substituted $rpmVersion for $version in the rpm generation related code in package.sh.
The .deb installer works, but I haven't tested the .rpm yet (going to set up a fedora vm
next to to that).

I also created Bisq-1.2.7SNAPSHOT.rpm by replacing "-" with "".

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