[bisq-network/bisq] [WIP] Add automation for new PRs and issues (#3799)

Steve Jain notifications at github.com
Thu Jan 23 19:33:25 UTC 2020

m52go commented on this pull request.

> @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+name: Greetings
+on: [pull_request, issues]
+    greeting:
+        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+        steps:
+            -   uses: actions/first-interaction at v1
+                with:
+                    repo-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
+                    issue-message: '**Thanks for opening your first issue here!**<br/><br/>Be sure to follow the issue template! Your issue will be reviewed by a maintainer and labeled accordingly for further actions.'
+                    pr-message: '**Thanks for opening this pull request!**<br/><br/>Please check out our [contributor checklist](https://docs.bisq.network/contributor-checklist.html) and have a look if issues that are found by *Travis* or *Codacy* running basic checks on your PR. Also make sure your commits are signed and you applied the Bisq code style and formatting.<br/><br/>A maintainer will add an `is:priority` label to your PR if it is up for compensation. Please checkout our [blog post](https://bisq.network/blog/TBD/) for more details on this.'

Yes, although I'm not sure who/how that will be achieved...need to discuss with @cbeams.

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