[bisq-network/bisq] Upgrade grpc & gson dependencies (#4339)

Stan notifications at github.com
Wed Jul 8 21:36:18 UTC 2020

I'm closing this PR because it would force an upgrade of too many important transitive dependencies (especially netty).  I am convinced it would not create new problems because I have done 2+ weeks of testing this change on desktop and API, but other developers do not have enough time to review and test the changes themselves.  

Some of the changes this PR would force include:

	Bumping Gson to 2.8.6  
	Bumping protobuf-java to 3.11.0 
	Bumping animal-sniffer-annotations to 1.18 
	Bumping error_prone_annotations to 2.3.4 
	Bumping proto-google-common-protos to 1.17.0 
	Bumping Netty to 4.1.48.Final 
	Adding tcnative 2.0.30.Final  
	Bumping okhttp to 2.7.4 
	Bumping guava-andriod to 28.2-android 
	Bumping protobuf to 3.12.0 

I think it is important to build the gRPC based API on the latest grpc-* libraries, and will push for this change again at a later stage of API development, but not now.

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