[bisq-network/bisq] Add download option + instructions for QubesOS (#4386)

cd2357 notifications at github.com
Thu Jul 30 20:03:29 UTC 2020

Looking at the [GitHub issues](https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/issues?q=is%3Aissue+qubes), it seems there are quite a few QubesOS users of Bisq.

Since the Qubes setup is not very straightforward, it would help to add a section on the Downloads page with instructions specific to QubesOS.

Here are the instructions I came up with sofar.

### 1. Create a new Qube `bisq-vm` based on the `debian-10` template

* Q Menu > Create Qubes VM > Qube based on a template
* Template: choose `debian-10`
* Check "Launch settings after creation"
* Press OK

Within a few seconds, the Qube is created and the Qube Settings popup opens.

* Configure storage
  * Basic > Disk Storage > Private Storage max size
    * Set this to at least `5000MiB`
    * Assuming you only use this Qube for Bisq, this amount of storage will be used for all Bisq files (downloaded installer, installation folder, your local Bisq settings and profile, your Bisq wallet, Bisq logs, etc). Therefore it is important to have enough disk space available, because if Bisq runs out of storage space, this may lead to data corruption and loss of funds.
    * For reference: A fresh Qube containing only a fully sync-ed new installation of Bisq 1.3.6, with no trades / accounts / balances, uses about 1GB of space.
  * Advanced > Memory / CPU
    * Initial memory
      * Set this to at least `4000 MB`
    * Uncheck "Include in memory balancing"
      * This will ensure that the RAM allocated to this Qube is not shared with other Qubes
  * Press OK

### 2. Setup binding dirs mapping for the system folders needed for the Bisq installation

sudo mkdir -p /rw/config/qubes-bind-dirs.d

### 3. Specify which system folders are mapped to binding dirs

Create the configuration file:

sudo nano /rw/config/qubes-bind-dirs.d/50_user.conf

Add the following lines in the file:

binds+=( '/opt/Bisq' )
binds+=( '/usr/share/desktop-directories' )

Save and close the file.

### 4. Create the binding dirs needed for the Bisq installation

sudo mkdir -p /rw/bind-dirs/opt/Bisq
sudo mkdir -p /rw/bind-dirs/usr/share/desktop-directories

### 5. Restart Qube

### 6. Download the Debian package

Go to the Bisq Downloads page https://bisq.network/downloads and download the Debian package.

Make sure you download the `.deb` package and the corresponding PGP signature.

### 7. Verify the PGP signature (see Verifications section on the [Bisq GitHub releases page](https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/releases/))

# Go to the folder where you downloaded the .deb package and the PGP signature
cd Downloads

# Import the signing key of Christoph Atteneder
curl https://bisq.network/pubkey/29CDFD3B.asc | gpg --import

# Verify the signature of the downloaded binary
gpg --digest-algo SHA256 --verify Bisq-*.asc

### 8. Install package

sudo dpkg -i Bisq-*.deb

### 9. Start Bisq with `/opt/Bisq/Bisq`

### 10. Optional: Create a keyboard shortcut

* Q Menu > System Tools > Keyboard > Application Shortcuts
* Add a shortcut where the command has the format `qvm-run -q -a <qube-name> <command>`
  * For example, in our case:  `qvm-run -q -a bisq-vm /opt/Bisq/Bisq`
* Assign a system-wide key combination for starting Bisq
  * For example `Ctrl+Alt+B`

### References:

* See [Qubes tutorial](https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/bind-dirs) for more details of what binding dirs are and how they work
* The `/usr/share/desktop-directories` is not really used, but is required during installation. See #848

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