[bisq-network/bisq] [WIP] Segwit for the trade protocol (#4612)

Oscar Guindzberg notifications at github.com
Thu Oct 22 14:56:58 UTC 2020

@oscarguindzberg commented on this pull request.

>              BtcWalletService btcWalletService = processModel.getBtcWalletService();
+            NetworkParameters params = btcWalletService.getParams();
+            Transaction preparedDepositTx = new Transaction(params, processModel.getPreparedDepositTx());
+            Coin delayedPayoutTxInputValue = preparedDepositTx.getOutput(0).getValue();

In bitcoin (the protocol) inputs do not include the amount.
In bitcoinj (the library) you can connect a TransactionInput to its related TransactionOutput and then ask the TransactionInput its value. But it is only possible if you connected both of them.
I moved the code to obtain the input value to TradeWalletService.

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