[bisq-network/bisq] Support resource files tagged by version to reduce initial data requests (#4519)

chimp1984 notifications at github.com
Sun Sep 13 08:20:23 UTC 2020

This is based on #4233 from @freimair 

It applies the feature only to tradeStatistics to reduce risks in case there are issues.

You can view, comment on, or merge this pull request online at:


-- Commit Summary --

  * Bump version number for v1.3.8
  * Update translations for v1.3.8
  * Add dontShowAgain button in osxKeyLoggerWarning window
  * Rmove short cut info for removed key handlers
  * Refactor dependency structure to enable adding dispute managers
  * Add check if dispute is open
  * Enable onFiatPaymentReceived again (was for dev testing)
  * Ensure that p2p network and wallet are ready
  * Make var local
  * Set default services based on localhost check not on devMode check
  * Change min required confirmations from 0 to 1.
  * Add monero orange color code for tx confidence indicator
  * Show tx confidence indicator for XMR blocks. Show info icon
  * Adjust auto-conf css for badge
  * Add null check. Improve text
  * Do not overwrite useDevMode with useDevModeHeader
  * Change hex color code to lower case
  * Fix bug with all mobile notifications for disputes are sent at startup.
  * Add new Monero Explorer node77.monero.wiz.biz with onion
  * Fix compile error in core/src/main/java/bisq/core/user/Preferences.java
  * Remove offer from takers offerbook after take offer is completed.
  * Scan disputes for accounts where same user used diff. real names.
  * Remove unused var
  * Add alert icon to list entries
  * Remove unused method
  * Add JsonExclude to userName
  * Add check if xmrTxProof is used to avoid null pointer exception
  * Move revolutAccountsUpdateHandler code up to BisqSetup
  * Fix handling of username/accountId
  * Improve handling of nullable assetTxProof fields
  * Minor bug fixes for XMR tx proof feature
  * Bug fixes
  * Create new HttpClient for each request.
  * Remove DevTestXmrTxProofHttpClient
  * Resolve conflict in 6a061d2c5
  * Remove DevTestXmrTxProofHttpClient
  * Add note to SetXmrTxKeyWindow
  * Change from http port 80 clearnet to https 443
  * Resolve merge conflict in Merge conflict in desktop/src/main/java/bisq/desktop/main/portfolio/pendingtrades/steps/seller/SellerStep3View.java
  * Resolve merge conflict in Merge conflict in desktop/src/main/java/bisq/desktop/main/portfolio/pendingtrades/steps/seller/SellerStep3View.java
  * Add comment to empty method
  * Add check if trade have been dispute to protocol classes
  * Use a checkArgument to ensure that the methods are not called once a
  * Resolve merge conflict in Merge conflict in desktop/src/main/java/bisq/desktop/main/portfolio/pendingtrades/steps/seller/SellerStep3View.java
  * Ignore future results in case we had a terminal result already.
  * Rearrange fields and improve toString method
  * Improve text in UI in case of failure or error
  * Replace old Bisq Explorer URLs with new Mempool URLs for the 3 we have
  * Tweak strings of "BSQ Explorer" -> "Bisq Explorer" and "Bitcoin Explorer"
  * Improve handling of p2pNetworkAndWalletReady
  * Move remove code from shutDown to onP2pNetworkAndWalletReady
  * Use lots of regex to add http or https for XMR explorer API endpoint
  * Tweak string for "Service Addresses" to "Monero Explorer URLs"
  * Fix codacy complaining about missing space character
  * Rename Monero Explorer to friendlier hostname explorer.monero.wiz.biz
  * Remove side effect in setUserName method and add extra handling for the
  * Update data stores for v1.3.8
  * Add new Monero explorer xmrblocks.bisq.services with onion
  * Revert Tether USD for now due to various issues
  * Initial tests
  * Version helper uses real Bisq version
  * Tests use static fixtures
  * Migration test succeeds
  * GetMap test succeeds
  * GetMapSinceFilter works
  * updateScenario works
  * freshInstall scenario works
  * put scenario works
  * Introduce SplitStore and Service to handle BL
  * Moved file handling logic to SplitStoreService
  * Activate other split data stores
  * Refactored tests
  * Initial tests for requests
  * Requests are smaller
  * Prevent adding duplicate data
  * Enforce version format and filter faulty ones
  * Test incoming special keys from the future
  * Javadoc cosmetics
  * Init integration test script
  * Persist live database after split
  * Integration test script tests stock
  * Use version history array
  * Integration test script tests new system
  * Use full sync between seednodes
  * Cleanup integration test script
  * Ignore some tests
  * Adjust P2PDataStorage tests
  * Add another migration test
  * Reactivate ignored tests
  * Refactoring and cleaning up
  * Cleanup
  * Refactored test helpers
  * Fixed a potential issue when loading stores
  * Fixed wrong filename
  * Refactoring
  * Make special key platform-independent
  * Fixed persisting wrong data store
  * Renamed data stores
  * Replace TODO comment
  * Fixed a timing issue
  * Added 1.3.6 and 1.3.7 data stores
  * Update history version list
  * Removed deprecated test mechanisms
  * Cleanup imports
  * Included PR feedback
  * Included PR feedback
  * Added 1.3.8 data stores
  * Use Version.VERSION again
  * Merge branch 'master_upstream' into chimp-reduce_initial_request_size
  * Refactor: Add getStore method to be reused by SplitStoreService
  * Use readStore(); instead of store = readStore(getFileName());
  * Apply code inspection suggestions
  * Add mapOfHistoricalStores field
  * Revert critical data stores to current version.
  * Add version field
  * Remove methods in MapStoreService and do instead instance of check in AppendOnlyDataStoreService to call the new method only where it makes sense.
  * Add current version to version list. Makes it more clear that those are all historical immutable data.
  * Remove file
  * Rename SplitStore to PersistableNetworkPayload
  * Rename for better clarity

-- File Changes --

    M build.gradle (2)
    M common/src/main/java/bisq/common/app/Version.java (10)
    M core/src/main/java/bisq/core/account/sign/SignedWitnessStorageService.java (2)
    M core/src/main/java/bisq/core/account/sign/SignedWitnessStore.java (11)
    M core/src/main/java/bisq/core/account/witness/AccountAgeWitnessStorageService.java (2)
    M core/src/main/java/bisq/core/account/witness/AccountAgeWitnessStore.java (11)
    M core/src/main/java/bisq/core/dao/governance/blindvote/storage/BlindVoteStore.java (11)
    M core/src/main/java/bisq/core/dao/governance/proposal/storage/appendonly/ProposalStore.java (11)
    M core/src/main/java/bisq/core/trade/statistics/TradeStatistics2StorageService.java (20)
    M core/src/main/java/bisq/core/trade/statistics/TradeStatistics2Store.java (11)
    M core/src/main/resources/i18n/displayStrings_de.properties (70)
    M core/src/main/resources/i18n/displayStrings_es.properties (72)
    M core/src/main/resources/i18n/displayStrings_fa.properties (70)
    M core/src/main/resources/i18n/displayStrings_fr.properties (70)
    M core/src/main/resources/i18n/displayStrings_ja.properties (70)
    M core/src/main/resources/i18n/displayStrings_pt-br.properties (70)
    M core/src/main/resources/i18n/displayStrings_pt.properties (70)
    M core/src/main/resources/i18n/displayStrings_ru.properties (70)
    M core/src/main/resources/i18n/displayStrings_th.properties (70)
    M core/src/main/resources/i18n/displayStrings_vi.properties (70)
    M core/src/main/resources/i18n/displayStrings_zh-hans.properties (70)
    M core/src/main/resources/i18n/displayStrings_zh-hant.properties (70)
    A core/src/test/java/bisq/core/network/p2p/FileDatabaseTest.java (331)
    A core/src/test/java/bisq/core/network/p2p/FileDatabaseTestUtils.java (129)
    A core/src/test/java/bisq/core/network/p2p/RequestDataTest.java (235)
    A core/src/test/resources/o1 (0)
    A core/src/test/resources/o1o2 (0)
    A core/src/test/resources/o2 (0)
    A core/src/test/resources/o2o3 (0)
    A core/src/test/resources/o3 (0)
    M desktop/package/linux/Dockerfile (2)
    M desktop/package/linux/package.sh (2)
    M desktop/package/linux/release.sh (2)
    M desktop/package/macosx/Info.plist (4)
    M desktop/package/macosx/create_app.sh (2)
    M desktop/package/macosx/finalize.sh (2)
    M desktop/package/macosx/insert_snapshot_version.sh (2)
    M desktop/package/macosx/replace_version_number.sh (4)
    M desktop/package/windows/package.bat (2)
    M desktop/package/windows/release.bat (2)
    M p2p/src/main/java/bisq/network/p2p/peers/getdata/messages/GetDataRequest.java (10)
    M p2p/src/main/java/bisq/network/p2p/peers/getdata/messages/GetUpdatedDataRequest.java (10)
    M p2p/src/main/java/bisq/network/p2p/peers/getdata/messages/PreliminaryGetDataRequest.java (21)
    M p2p/src/main/java/bisq/network/p2p/storage/P2PDataStorage.java (33)
    M p2p/src/main/java/bisq/network/p2p/storage/persistence/AppendOnlyDataStoreService.java (38)
    A p2p/src/main/java/bisq/network/p2p/storage/persistence/PersistableNetworkPayloadStore.java (20)
    A p2p/src/main/java/bisq/network/p2p/storage/persistence/SplitStoreService.java (159)
    M p2p/src/main/java/bisq/network/p2p/storage/persistence/StoreService.java (11)
    A p2p/src/main/resources/AccountAgeWitnessStore_1.3.5_BTC_MAINNET (3)
    A p2p/src/main/resources/AccountAgeWitnessStore_1.3.6_BTC_MAINNET (3)
    A p2p/src/main/resources/AccountAgeWitnessStore_1.3.7_BTC_MAINNET (3)
    A p2p/src/main/resources/AccountAgeWitnessStore_1.3.8_BTC_MAINNET (3)
    A p2p/src/main/resources/SignedWitnessStore_1.3.5_BTC_MAINNET (3)
    A p2p/src/main/resources/SignedWitnessStore_1.3.6_BTC_MAINNET (3)
    A p2p/src/main/resources/SignedWitnessStore_1.3.7_BTC_MAINNET (3)
    A p2p/src/main/resources/SignedWitnessStore_1.3.8_BTC_MAINNET (3)
    A p2p/src/main/resources/TradeStatistics2Store_1.3.5_BTC_MAINNET (3)
    A p2p/src/main/resources/TradeStatistics2Store_1.3.6_BTC_MAINNET (3)
    A p2p/src/main/resources/TradeStatistics2Store_1.3.7_BTC_MAINNET (3)
    A p2p/src/main/resources/TradeStatistics2Store_1.3.8_BTC_MAINNET (3)
    M p2p/src/test/java/bisq/network/p2p/storage/P2PDataStorageRequestDataTest.java (12)
    M p2p/src/test/java/bisq/network/p2p/storage/TestState.java (4)
    M p2p/src/test/java/bisq/network/p2p/storage/mocks/AppendOnlyDataStoreServiceFake.java (4)
    M proto/src/main/proto/pb.proto (2)
    A reduce_initial_request_size_test.sh (165)
    M relay/src/main/resources/version.txt (2)
    M seednode/src/main/java/bisq/seednode/SeedNodeMain.java (2)

-- Patch Links --


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