[bisq-network/bisq] Adjust API 'editoffer' to PR 5651 (include extraData field when editing offer) (#5666)

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Wed Aug 25 16:04:57 CEST 2021

@ghubstan commented on this pull request.

> +                if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
+                    log.debug("onAdded: Removed old offer {}\n"
+                                    + "\twith payload hash {} from list.\n"
+                                    + "\tThis may make a subsequent onRemoved( {} ) call redundant.",
+                            offerId,
+                            oldOfferItem.getHashOfPayload() == null ? "null" : oldOfferItem.getHashOfPayload().getHex(),
+                            oldOfferItem.getOffer().getId());
+                }

RE comment below:  _Does this mean an item with null hash will be removed if only the id matches? Seems like a way to get around the hash checks._  

When a user clicks the view open, the list is populated by fillOfferBookListItems(), instantiating new OfferBookListItems with null hashes -- hashes are set only in onAdded or onRemoved.

When the OfferBook listener gets an onRemoved call, the hash match will fail if the list's match has a null hash, unless I do this extra null check.  If/when we create a transient OfferPayload hash field, fillOfferBookListItems() can load the view with non-null hashes, and the null hash checks can be removed.

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