[bisq-network/bisq] Fix incorrect start height for block request (PR #5875)

chimp1984 notifications at github.com
Wed Dec 1 00:00:34 CET 2021

I think the issue is when the blocks request is faster then the blockhash requests from other nodes. So might be a bit of race conditions... 
But to be sure that process is right: 
- Create some blocks while app is shut down
- Start app (full mode/lite-monitor mode). should persiste latest block (triggered by hash response)
- Restart
- Does not parse as blockheight of persisted dao state is latest height, but start block calculated with +1 so the code for starting to parse ignores the request as requested block is in the future. One can check the logs at `getStartBlockHeight` in `BsqNode` and in `startParseBlocks` in `FullNode`. The relevant code is:
if (startBlockHeight <= chainHeight) {
                        parseBlocksOnHeadHeight(startBlockHeight, chainHeight);
This is false in case the startBlockHeight is one block higher as the chainHeight.

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