[bisq-network/compensation] For Cycle 33 (Issue #1009)

jmacxx notifications at github.com
Mon Feb 21 04:59:29 CET 2022

## Summary

- **BSQ requested**: **`1832`** 
- USD requested: 2290
- BSQ rate: 1.25 USD per BSQ
- Previous compensation request (if applicable):   https://github.com/bisq-network/compensation/issues/987

## Contributions delivered

| Title | Team | USD | Link | Notes |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
Fix issue of % price being zero when editing offer | dev | 0 | https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/pull/5986 | 1.8.1
Clear payment account payload info from closed trades. | dev | 400 | https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/pull/6001 | 1.8.3
Allow dispute to be closed if trade has paid out | dev | 100 | https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/pull/6015 | 1.8.3
Fix exception: heightOfLastBlock must match chainHeight | dev | 250 | https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/pull/6018 | 1.8.3
Warn and prompt for password before showing wallet keys | dev | 60 | https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/pull/6021 | 1.8.3
Fix unhandled exception when locale specifies unknown country/region code. | dev | 150 | https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/pull/6029 | 1.8.3
Sign/Verify message for DAO bonded roles | dev | 150 | https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/pull/6032 | 1.8.3
Fix issue selecting specific BSQ UTXO for send. | dev | 150 | https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/pull/6040 | 1.8.3
Obtain trade fee settings from filter | dev | 150 | https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/pull/6048 | 1.8.3
Show buyer/seller in terms of BTC | dev | 60 | https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/pull/6049 | 1.8.3
Show signed status when applicable in Trade & Dispute info screens | dev | 60 | https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/pull/6053 | 1.8.3
Add ability to copy popup text to clipboard. | dev | 100 | https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/pull/6054 | 1.8.3
Improve BSQ swap error messaging & DAO resync popup. | dev | 60 | https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/pull/6063 | 1.8.3
Cosmetic cleanup for popup message copy function. | dev | 0 | https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/pull/6067 | 1.8.3
|   |  |  |  |  |
Check roles using mempool tx lookup. | dev | 100 | https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq2/pull/92 | bisq2
|   |  |  |  |  |
L2 Support / troubleshooting | support | 500 | https://github.com/bisq-network/roles/issues/64#issuecomment-1016669206 | 


## Other contributions

* maintenance/operation of compensation-bot


## Contributions in progress

* testing release v1.8.3

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