[bisq-network/bisq] Bisq 2 social trading concept (Discussion #6011)

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Sun Mar 27 16:18:15 CEST 2022

> What if the user does not want yet to trade? I guess we offer a skip button so the user can go "read only" mode as well.

That's a good consideration and so I have updated the user journey. I don't recommend the skip option, but instead reference the way Bisq 1 is currently used. The user would most likely prefer to browse first before creating an offer, the UI should directly lead the user to the Bisq social channels depending on the users tag selection (they are free to browse other channels of course). 

In this scenario the new trader would like to browse available trades with the ability to create an offer if necessary.

[Updated User Journey](https://www.figma.com/proto/STtOMjF9ga8nJ1wivCplo5/RT-to-NT-User-Journey-(Short)?node-id=102%3A293&scaling=min-zoom&page-id=0%3A1&starting-point-node-id=102%3A293)
**Page 2-** The username field can be a dropdown if there are other identities to select
Up to two tags can be added and is displayed on the user profile ([view user profile options](https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq2/issues/151))

**Page 3-** The new trader can click on the Reputable trader’s offer to view their full profile, on the right and click the ‘take offer’ button. 

**‘Create Offer’ button** on the left- the user can create their own offer if they cannot find one that matches their requirements. 

**The ‘Reputable Trading’ protocol drop down** on the left provides the user with the freedom to switch between protocols whenever they like.
When the user switches protocols, there could be a pop up asking the user if they would like to keep their current username or switch to another (if any).

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