[bisq-network/compensation] [WIP] For November 2018 (#179)

Chris Beams notifications at github.com
Fri Nov 30 19:23:47 UTC 2018

## Summary

> _Specify the total amount of BSQ you are requesting, and the BSQ address that amount should be paid to:_

 - BSQ requested: TBD
 - BSQ address: `B1HGxmhfWJwwvvDgTRrWpZ1QsEZn7rMEaVE`

## Contributions delivered

> _Provide links to contributions you have [delivered](https://github.com/bisq-network/proposals/issues/19), the amount of BSQ you are requesting for each, and any comments that will help stakeholders understand its value._


## Contributions in progress

> _Provide links to work you're involved with that is still [in progress](https://github.com/bisq-network/proposals/issues/19). **This section is optional,** and is for your own benefit in keeping track of what you're doing and keeping other contributors up to date with the same._


## Roles performed

> _Provide links to your [monthly report](https://github.com/bisq-network/proposals/issues/13) on any roles you are responsible for._

 - Arbitrator:
 - Bisq Docs Maintainer:
 - Bisq Maintainer:
 - Bisq Pricenode Maintainer:
 - Bisq Pricenode Operator:
 - Bisq Website Operator/Maintainer:
 - Compensation Maintainer:
 - DNS Admin:
 - Domain name owner:
 - Founder:
 - GitHub Admin:
 - Proposals Maintainer:
 - Roles Maintainer:
 - Slack Admin:
 - Support Maintainer:
 - Twitter Admin:

## Notes to self

My contributions this month were created by reviewing the results of this GitHub Issues search query: [org:bisq-network involves:cbeams updated:2018-11-01..2018-11-30 sort:updated-desc](https://github.com/issues?page=5&q=org%3Abisq-network+involves%3Acbeams+updated%3A2018-11-01..2018-11-30+sort%3Aupdated-desc&utf8=%E2%9C%93)

The list of roles above was generated by the following `ghi` command run within my clone of the bisq-network/roles repository:

ghi list --assignee=cbeams --no-labels \
| grep -v '^#' \
| cut -b7- | rev | cut -d' ' -f3- | rev | sort \
| xargs -Irole echo " - role: "

Also useful to opening all of these issues is the following command:
for role in $(\
ghi list --mine \
  | grep -v '^#' \
  | cut -d'[' -f1 \
  | sed 's/^ *//' | sed 's/  /:/' \
  | awk -F':' '{print $2 ":" $1}' \
  | sort | cut -d':' -f2\
); do ghi show --web $role; done;

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