[bisq-network/bisq] Add mediation support (#3221)

Steve Jain notifications at github.com
Mon Sep 9 14:47:07 UTC 2019

m52go commented on this pull request.

I tried to make suggestions into suggested edits wherever possible, but some were a handful of multi-line suggestions where that wasn't really practical.

Would be great if someone could take a quick look at my doc PR for mediation too ;)


> @@ -541,8 +544,9 @@ portfolio.pending.step3_seller.confirmPaymentReceived=Confirm payment received
 portfolio.pending.step1.info=Deposit transaction has been published.\n{0} need to wait for at least one blockchain confirmation before starting the payment.
-portfolio.pending.step1.warn=The deposit transaction still did not get confirmed.\nThat might happen in rare cases when the funding fee of one trader from the external wallet was too low.
-portfolio.pending.step1.openForDispute=The deposit transaction still did not get confirmed.\nThat might happen in rare cases when the funding fee of one trader from the external wallet was too low.\nThe max. period for the trade has elapsed.\n\nYou can wait longer or contact the arbitrator for opening a dispute.
+portfolio.pending.step1.warn=The deposit transaction is still not confirmed. That might happen in rare cases when the funding fee of one trader from the external wallet was too low.

portfolio.pending.step1.warn=The deposit transaction is still not confirmed. This sometimes happens in rare cases when the funding fee of one trader from an external wallet was too low.

> @@ -605,21 +613,21 @@ portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.confirmStart.yes=Yes, I have started the payment
 portfolio.pending.step2_seller.waitPayment.headline=Wait for payment
 portfolio.pending.step2_seller.f2fInfo.headline=Buyer's contact information
 portfolio.pending.step2_seller.waitPayment.msg=The deposit transaction has at least one blockchain confirmation.\nYou need to wait until the BTC buyer starts the {0} payment.
-portfolio.pending.step2_seller.warn=The BTC buyer still has not done the {0} payment.\nYou need to wait until they have started the payment.\nIf the trade has not been completed on {1} the arbitrator will investigate.
-portfolio.pending.step2_seller.openForDispute=The BTC buyer has not started his payment!\nThe max. allowed period for the trade has elapsed.\nYou can wait longer and give the trading peer more time or contact the arbitrator for opening a dispute.
+portfolio.pending.step2_seller.warn=The BTC buyer still has not done the {0} payment.\nYou need to wait until they have started the payment.\nThe trade has to be completed until {1}.

Is {1} the date by which the trade needs to be completed by? If so, I suggest this.

portfolio.pending.step2_seller.warn=The BTC buyer still has not done the {0} payment.\nYou need to wait until they have started the payment.\nThe trade has to be completed by {1}.

 tradeChat.chatWindowTitle=Chat window for trade with ID ''{0}''
 tradeChat.openChat=Open chat window
 tradeChat.rules=You can communicate with your trade peer to resolve potential problems with this trade.\n\
   It is not mandatory to reply in the chat.\n\
-  If a trader violates the below rules, open a dispute with 'Cmd/Ctrl + o' and report it to the arbitrator.\n\n\
+  If a trader violates the below rules, open a dispute and report it to the mediator or arbitrator.\n\n\

  If a trader violates any of the rules below, open a dispute and report it to the mediator or arbitrator.\n\n\

> @@ -640,8 +648,10 @@ portfolio.pending.step3_buyer.wait.info=Waiting for the BTC seller''s confirmati
 portfolio.pending.step3_buyer.wait.msgStateInfo.label=Payment started message status
 portfolio.pending.step3_buyer.warn.part1a=on the {0} blockchain
 portfolio.pending.step3_buyer.warn.part1b=at your payment provider (e.g. bank)
-portfolio.pending.step3_buyer.warn.part2=The BTC seller still has not confirmed your payment!\nPlease check {0} if the payment sending was successful.\nIf the BTC seller does not confirm the receipt of your payment by {1} the trade will be investigated by the arbitrator.
-portfolio.pending.step3_buyer.openForDispute=The BTC seller has not confirmed your payment!\nThe max. period for the trade has elapsed.\nYou can wait longer and give the trading peer more time or contact the arbitrator for opening a dispute.
+portfolio.pending.step3_buyer.warn.part2=The BTC seller still has not confirmed your payment yet. Please check {0} if the \

portfolio.pending.step3_buyer.warn.part2=The BTC seller still has not confirmed your payment. Please check {0} if the \

> @@ -732,27 +745,69 @@ portfolio.pending.tradePeriodInfo=After the first blockchain confirmation, the t
 portfolio.pending.tradePeriodWarning=If the period is exceeded both traders can open a dispute.
 portfolio.pending.tradeNotCompleted=Trade not completed in time (until {0})
 portfolio.pending.tradeProcess=Trade process
-portfolio.pending.openAgainDispute.msg=If you are not sure that the message to the arbitrator arrived (e.g. if you did not get a response after 1 day) feel free to open a dispute again.
+portfolio.pending.openAgainDispute.msg=If you are not sure that the message to the mediator or arbitrator arrived \

Should we mention the shortcut here (Cmd/Ctrl+o)?

Also should we mention the forum URL (https://bisq.community)?


portfolio.pending.openAgainDispute.msg=If you are not sure that the message to the mediator or arbitrator arrived / (e.g. if you did not get a response after 1 day) feel free to open a dispute again with Cmd/Ctrl+o. You can also ask for additional help on the Bisq forum at https://bisq.community.

>  portfolio.pending.openAgainDispute.button=Open dispute again
 portfolio.pending.openSupportTicket.headline=Open support ticket
-portfolio.pending.openSupportTicket.msg=Please use that only in emergency case if you don't get displayed a \"Open support\" or \"Open dispute\" button.\n\nWhen you open a support ticket the trade will be interrupted and handled by the arbitrator
+portfolio.pending.openSupportTicket.msg=Please use that only in emergency case if you don't get displayed a \

portfolio.pending.openSupportTicket.msg=Please use this function only in emergency cases if you don't see a \
\"Open support\" or \"Open dispute\" button.\n\nWhen you open a support ticket the trade will be interrupted and \
handled by a mediator or arbitrator.

>  portfolio.pending.notification=Notification
-portfolio.pending.openDispute=Open a dispute
-portfolio.pending.disputeOpened=Dispute opened
+portfolio.pending.support.headline.getHelp=Need help?
+portfolio.pending.support.text.getHelp=If you have any problems you can try to contact the trade peer in the trade \
+  chat or ask the Bisq community at https://bisq.community. \
+  If you cannot resolve your problems you can request help from the mediator.

  If your issue still isn't resolved, you can request more help from a mediator.

>  portfolio.pending.notification=Notification
-portfolio.pending.openDispute=Open a dispute
-portfolio.pending.disputeOpened=Dispute opened
+portfolio.pending.support.headline.getHelp=Need help?
+portfolio.pending.support.text.getHelp=If you have any problems you can try to contact the trade peer in the trade \
+  chat or ask the Bisq community at https://bisq.community. \
+  If you cannot resolve your problems you can request help from the mediator.
+portfolio.pending.support.button.getHelp=Get support
+portfolio.pending.support.popup.info=If you cannot resolve your problems with the trade peer you can open a support \

portfolio.pending.support.popup.info=If your issue with the trade remains unsolved, you can open a support \ ticket to request help from the mediator. If you have not received the payment, please wait until the trade period is over.\n\n\ Are you sure you want to open a support ticket?

>    Do you want to remove that failed trade from the Pending trades screen?
+portfolio.pending.mediationResult.headline=Suggested payout from mediation
+portfolio.pending.mediationResult.info.noneAccepted=Complete the trade by accepting the mediator's suggestion for the trade payout.
+portfolio.pending.mediationResult.info.selfAccepted=You have accepting the mediator's suggestion. Waiting for peer to accept as well.

portfolio.pending.mediationResult.info.selfAccepted=You have accepted the mediator's suggestion. Waiting for peer to accept as well.

>    Do you want to remove that failed trade from the Pending trades screen?
+portfolio.pending.mediationResult.headline=Suggested payout from mediation
+portfolio.pending.mediationResult.info.noneAccepted=Complete the trade by accepting the mediator's suggestion for the trade payout.
+portfolio.pending.mediationResult.info.selfAccepted=You have accepting the mediator's suggestion. Waiting for peer to accept as well.
+portfolio.pending.mediationResult.info.peerAccepted=Your trade peer has accepting the mediator's suggestion. Do you accept as well?

portfolio.pending.mediationResult.info.peerAccepted=Your trade peer has accepted the mediator's suggestion. Do you accept as well?

>    Do you want to remove that failed trade from the Pending trades screen?
+portfolio.pending.mediationResult.headline=Suggested payout from mediation
+portfolio.pending.mediationResult.info.noneAccepted=Complete the trade by accepting the mediator's suggestion for the trade payout.
+portfolio.pending.mediationResult.info.selfAccepted=You have accepting the mediator's suggestion. Waiting for peer to accept as well.
+portfolio.pending.mediationResult.info.peerAccepted=Your trade peer has accepting the mediator's suggestion. Do you accept as well?
+portfolio.pending.mediationResult.button=Accept or reject
+portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.headline=Mediation result for trade with ID: {0}
+portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.headline.peerAccepted=Your trade peer has accepting the mediator''s suggestion for trade {0}

portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.headline.peerAccepted=Your trade peer has accepted the mediator''s suggestion for trade {0}

+# TODO @m52go could you provide a good text here?
+support.backgroundInfo=Bisq is not a company, so it handles disputes differently.\n\n\

support.backgroundInfo=Bisq is not a company, so it handles disputes differently.\n\n\
Traders can communicate within the application via a secure chat on the pending trades screen to attempt solving a dispute on their own. \
  If that is not sufficient, a mediator can step in to help. The mediator will evaluate the situation and give a recommendation for the \
  payout of the trade funds. If both traders accept this suggestion, the payout transaction is completed and the trade is closed. \
  If one or both traders do not agree to the mediator's recommended payout, they can request arbitration.\
  The arbitrator has the third key of the deposit transaction and will make the payout based on their findings.

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