[bisq-network/support] Bisq Support Calls (#916)

leo816 notifications at github.com
Fri Feb 18 17:41:53 CET 2022

## Support call 2022-02-16
### Topics

 1. BUGS:

     1. [LOW FEES] Users that have paid low fees in some trades seem to be due to the fact that the user is running Bisq with the DAO disabled.

2. [Mediation Cases] Going over the penalties table:
     1. "Completely different name in a buyer payment account, a case which is missing from penalties table" 
- Be able to sign a message (show the chat log to the mediator)
- If a user does have another bank account with the same name, that should not have a penalty.
- Transition from Keybase to matrix (now its starting to be more active).

Weekly bullet point list:
 1. Priorities/ Short term objectives
   - Mediations
   - Bugs
   - tracking of newly implemented payment methods
   - Grin payment verification pending
   - Adding Matrix notifications instead of Keybase to redirect users.
**This goal for every week:** 

The idea for next week is for each support team member to have a task at hand that can improve the overall experience (improving table of penalties, add information to the bisq.wiki...)

**- Topics for next call:**

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