[bisq-network/bisq] Bisq 2 social trading concept (Discussion #6011)

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Thu Mar 24 19:06:38 CET 2022

I have drafted a [prototype](https://www.figma.com/proto/EzlQwlS2SZ9RJloKPsi6Bg/RT-to-NT-User-Journey?node-id=2%3A3&scaling=min-zoom&page-id=0%3A1&starting-point-node-id=2%3A3) showing the new user completing the relevant information from the beginning.
This should prevent the market channels from being clogged up with offers containing errors, missing or unnecessary information .
The offer is then posted on the channel for any trader to pick up and initiate a chat.

### **UX Summary**

Page 1-4 new trader journey
Page 5-8 Reputable trader journey
Page 9-11 new trader journey
(clickable continue, publish, start trade chat and support button)

**Page 1** -Welcome

**Page 2**- Select Contract Type and Trader type

**Page 3**- Generate Username
- User clicks change to generate a new Icon
- User is also free to type a new username
- If user already has a profile they can paste their publichashkey 

Let me know if I'm missing something in this area
**Page 4**- Create trading profile
- Maximum amount of BTC is displayed (this is not the official maximum)
- When the user types payment method, auto complete is activated and selection is added. 
- Maximum of 3 payment methods can be selected
- Offer preview is displayed on the right and automatically updates while user selects options. This is preferable, otherwise update once user has completed the profile.
- Optional trading terms similar to what LocalBitcoin provides, this helps to keep away specific traders and provides another small layer of security and reassurance to the new trader, allowing them to have a level of control during the experience. 
- Agreement of protocol terms should be ticked before trader proceeds
- The offer message will then publish to the appropriate market channel

**Page 5**- Publish on Market channel

- A toggle to show only reputable trader offers, when this option is off it should shows all trades
- A toggle to show only offers, removing all other messages from the channel
- Search option
- Trader terms can be viewed by others
- Meatball menu (horizontal three dot menu) used to display further actions such as take offer
- Using the language take offer to introduce a familiarity to the user’s possible continuation to bisq 1.
- Sound effect for notification

**Page 6**- Reputable trader takes offer

**Page 7**- Trade window popup to start trade

**Page 8**-Support

**Page 9**- Support invite window
[View discussion ](https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/discussions/6011#discussioncomment-2333279)

**Page 10**- Finish trade
- Reputable trader must firstly confirm trade is successful
- New trader ‘trade finish' button is greyed out until reputable trader confirms completion on their side. 

Feedback welcome! 

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