[bisq-network/bisq] Bisq-2 UX challenges (Discussion #5959)

chimp1984 notifications at github.com
Wed Jan 19 22:01:53 CET 2022

I have tried to lay out a possible user journey for creating an offer.
Feedback highly appreciated....

The idea is to have a process which is easy enough for newbies to follow. Pro traders can choose to get displayed all the steps in one screen to get a faster experience.
All sections after protocol selection are optional and context specific to the chosen protocol. In many cases the summary section is shown after the protocol selection.

An open question is if we should support multiple protocols to be selected for an offer. Power trader will probably like to have this feature but it increases UX complexity quite a bit. Maybe we prepare to support it technically but leave it in the UI with a singe protocol selection, which will likely be the default use case for most users anyway.  

Selection of the contract type (e.g. Swap trades, Loans,...) is done by choosing the relevant UI menu item. This only models a swap trade (asset spot exchange).

## Swap Trade

### 1. Asset selection

From:  [BTC]
To:    [USD] 
[NEXT >>]

### 2. Set amount and price

Here the previous screen expands to show also the input fields for the amounts and the price information, fields and toggle. A advanced option icon enables to enter an amount range as well.

Set amount and price
From: 	[  0.01] [BTC]
@ Rate: [  0.00] % <-> [50 0000] BTC/USD 
To: 	[   500] [USD] 
[NEXT >>]

### 3. Protocol selection

The amount/price section gets now visually into the background but user can still edit and change it 
From: 	[  0.01] [BTC]
@ Rate: [  0.00] % <-> [50 0000] BTC/USD 
To: 	[   500] [USD] 

Table with protocols show different properties. Only those which work with the selected assets are enabled for selection.
User can select multiple. Some info icon will link to more details.

Choose trade protocol(s):

| Protocol type | Select | Security | Speed | Costs | Convenience | Settlement | Trade amounts |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Atomic cross chain swap | <ul><li>[ ] select</li></ul> | Best | 1 block | Miner fee | Require full nodes | XMR/BTC| 0.0001 BTC-2 BTC |
| Liquid swap | <ul><li>[ ] select</li></ul> | Best | 1 block | Miner fee | Require Liquid wallet | Liquid | 0.0001 BTC-2 BTC |
| BSQ swap | <ul><li>[ ] select</li></ul> | Best | 1 block | Miner fee | Require BSQ wallet | BTC | 0.0001 BTC-2 BTC |
| Bisq multisig |<ul><li>[ ] select</li></ul> | High | min. 1 block, max. 4 days | Miner fee, trade fee | Require application to be online | BTC onchain, Fiat accounts, Altcoin wallets | 0.0001 BTC-2 BTC |
| LN 3 party protocol | <ul><li>[ ] select</li></ul> | High | max 1 day | LN fee, trade fee | Require LN node | LN | 0.0001 BTC-0.5 BTC |
| BSQ bond based | <ul><li>[ ] select</li></ul> | Medium | Can be instant | trade fee | Require BSQ | Any | 0.0001 BTC-0.1 BTC |
| Reputation based | <ul><li>[ ] select</li></ul> | Low | Can be instant | trade fee | Require manual risk assessment | Any | 0.0001 BTC-0.05 BTC |

### 4. Settlement options
Settlement options if protocol selection supports it. If the chosen protocols do not have optional settlement this section is skipped.

The protocol you have chosen lets you define the settlement option. Please select which you support:

Reputation based: 
Send BTC with: [On chain, LN]
Receive USD with: [Zelle, CashApp]		

Bisq multisig (the BTC side is onchain):
Receive USD with: [Zelle, CashApp]		

### 5. Protocol specific options
Depending on the selected protocols there can be more options be set. 
If the chosen protocols do not support options this section is skipped.
Some of those options might be integrated in the previous screens already when the user clicks on "advanced options" buttons. E.g. set a range for the amount or a trigger price to deactivate the offer. Other options like fee payment (BSQ or BTC) or security deposit are only relevant for certain protocols. 
Options are pre-filled with recommended default values.

### 6. Funding
Depending on the selected protocols there might be requirement for reserving funds for potential takers as it is the case with the Bisq multisig protocol.
If the chosen protocols do not require funding this section is skipped.

### 7. Choose identity
The user can choose to use a new identity for each new offer (default) or if they have decided against that they can select which identity to use for that offer. 
This section is only for advanced users who prefer full control. By default it is not shown.

### 8. Offer summary
Show a summary of all details about that offer and a publish button to publish it to the network.

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